Tuesday, September 28, 2010

After the Tests.

So, as you may have read previous to this post, I had 3 tests today. They were much harder in my head before I took them. Actually, they weren't too bad at all. I think I should have gotten a 75% at worst on my Physics test, an 83% at worst on my Global majority test, and a 96% at worst on my Understanding Music test. The rest of the day was mostly Studying for the test that I hadn't taken yet and working on my concert review. I went to a Chamber Orchestra concert by the way, on sunday. It was a pretty good performance, but I had to take notes throughout and so I couldn't really just enjoy the music. It was in a Catholic Church building that looked pretty fancy, similar to the Methodist Church that we went to, except for a lot more plain. That was about all my day, except for attempting some calculus, and eating some dinner.


  1. it was fun to catch up on your blog since I hadn't read it for a week. the bike part was fun and funny and I could just feel the wind blowing your hair. Tell Amy thanks for the letter. We went to the Jr High game and talked to her folks. Beautiful day and fun to stand out and talk. Will write again sometime soon.

  2. As his mother, I'd have to say I've looked at this page dozens of times to see if Travis has reported on anything else! I have texted with him several times. He only got one of his scores back quickly. On Friday they did not get the other scores, so my guess is that he is waiting until Tues (tomorrow) when he has those classes again before he writes. It's cold in DC now. He wrote that he couldn't find his hat & gloves which he thought he had packed.
