Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday was fairly slow, and I just read and read until my only class that day, Calculus. We were assigned lots of work in Calculus, because there is a test next tuesday. It shouldn't be that bad, because I'm finally understanding it I think. Hooray!!!

Anyway, I went to Georgetown after my Calculus class and it only took me 40 minutes to walk there. This is partly because I'm on the far side of campus from Massachusetts Ave and Ward, where my class is, is right next to it. I talked to dad for quite a bit of my walk and heard about the lawns and such. I also got a large sweat patch on my shirt where the shirt was between my arms. So anyway, I got there and we studied for a while. I ate Subway, and shared some of it with Amy. It was really cool! Here, they have footlong flatbread at subway. I was wondering if they have it in Montana too, and it was just new, or if it was specific to out here.

After that, we got a Mint Mocha from a student run and staffed coffee shop. It was really good, and they even gave me the left overs that were in the blender after they made it. It was equivalent to one of the small sizes, and that was just extra and free:)

We went to Chi Alpha at Georgetown which is similar to the one at American, but there was a more energetic pastor/leader there named Jon. He was really nice, and I felt a little more welcome at the Georgetown one. They gave away an Apple TV for the one that could guess the number of cheeseball puffs in a box shaped container. I would have only been off by 59, while the one that won it was off by over 190. The reason I didn't win it was that you had to submit your guesses at the SAC Fair. I felt bad for not stopping over there, because the number was easy to estimate since the container was squareish. There were 1241 and I guessed 1300 in my head before they read the answer. The winner guessed 1000 something.

Anyway, I helped Amy with her calculus and then walked to the Rosslyn station and read my Lab on the way. I got home kinda late, but it was OK.

This morning, I went to the lab and we used some fun sensor thing to calculate the acceleration of Gravity. It is really cool all the equipment we get to use and it just goes into the computer and then we calculate the data from there. While in the lab, I opened my email so I could email the data to myself to complete and I noticed an email from Michelle Newton-Francis and it said that my other class for the day was canceled. I read some and worked on Calculus for the rest of the day. I also had a good conversation with Amy and messed around with Audacity and made a randomish version of a Hymn.

Time for bed. Tomorrow, I'm going to a show with Amy, that her aunt Tamara is in. So I'll just do homework in between classes and save the rest for the weekend, but I've been getting ahead, so I don't think there will be too much Homework! Hooray!


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