Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Overload Day # 4

So, today, I had 4 classes. Not much interesting happened in the classes, and the rest of my day was comprised of getting homework done, so I'll just share a couple of interesting events that occurred.

This morning, I had my alarm set for 7:00, because I have an 8:30 Physics class. However, I forgot to turn my phone off vibrate, so I'm sure it vibrated at 7:00, but I didn't hear it. I woke up instead at 7:45 and felt in a rush to get going. I didn't take a shower then, because I wanted to get to class a little early. I also had a missed call on my phone when I woke up and it was from some number that I didn't know from Montana. I called them back and it sounded like a young lady that hadn't really been up before my calling. It must have been a mistake.

In Physics, we were discussing Free fall and several things regarding that. For an example, that we will finish on Friday, he put a kart on a ramp and we have to figure out how long or how fast or something about it based on the angle, or maybe we'll find the angle. I don't really know, but that is beside the point. To illustrate the fact that objects drop at the same rate, he used a vacuum to suck out the air in a long glass tube. In it he had a small piece of metal and another of styrofoam. The end had a rubber stopper on it, and it was supposedly sucked up the tube every time he tried to do this before. IT worked this time though, and he showed us several times that it worked that minus air resistance, the objects dropped at the same rate. It was really cool. Then he sat the tube on the floor and several moments later, the stopper go shot up the tube and it knocked the one that was on the other end out and onto the floor.

Another interesting fact is that my Professor went to Los Alamos. It is a Huge lab and research area in New Mexico I believe. It was the place they worked on the first atomic bomb. Anyway, now it has about 11,000 researchers and engineers working there. The reason he was gone last Friday was because he went there to give a lecture. He said it involved suspending supercooled atoms above a chop using lasers. It sounded super complex, and I'm wondering why he teaches if he also does research at Los Alamos.

Next interesting anecdote occurred this evening as I was doing my homework. I logged into blackboard and for some reason everything was in some other language. I couldn't figure out how to get it back to English. I asked Amy and used her account, because she has a similar one from Georgetown and I thought I could locate the settings from there. Well, anyway, that didn't work. I then had a brilliant plan to consult some of the Asian girls from my floor. I think they are all Asian but one or two of them. Anyway, I went out to the lounge and sure enough, 2 of them were sitting there in the lounge. I slowly walked in and said, "Are either of you from a place that could read this?" I brought my laptop in there while I asked. The one that was sitting at the table read it and said, "No, I'm not Chinese." The other wasn't either. So, I was out of luck, but one offered to try to log on as herself so we could try to find the appropriate buttons to shut the Chinese off. As I logged out, I saw that it was before the Login that you change the language. I must have just bumped it at the wrong time to change it. Woops. Anyway, it was really awkward and I felt foolish. Oh well.

That is all of importance that happened today.



  1. Those girls were glad that you actually talked to them! Maybe they'll end up helping you again sometime. Way to be brave.

  2. Maybe, it was OK, but I don't think they were really glad. I had some of the Chicken Alfredo for lunch:) It was a lot more flavorful this time and actually was good:)

  3. I just read an historical fiction book about Los Alamos when the bomb was created. It was about a young girl whose father worked there. Very interesting. I'd never thought about what it was like for those who created the bomb. I wonder what your teacher does there now.

  4. He was giving a lecture about some super cooled atoms suspended above a small chip by lasers. They were trying to find some of its uses. I think it might be used in computers in the future, or plan navigation systems.
