Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend.

So, its been a while since last I wrote. I have had a good weekend and was with Amy for nearly all of it:)

Saturday, I walked down to Georgetown in the early morning and we ate breakfast at her dining room. Her plan isn't as flexible as mine, but she has 2 buddy passes per semester, so we used one of those. They have pretty good food there as well and a whole down stairs area besides the formal looking upstairs. The upstairs one looks like it would be used for a banquet or ball or something of the sort.

After the delicious breakfast of pastries, fruit, and egg/bacon sandwiches, we went to her library to study. We read and read for about 4 or 5 hours and then went shopping. Before going shopping however, we had to get some food. We stopped at the subway in the Leavey Center and shared a delicious Chicken, Bacon, and Ranch footlong.(thanks! Grandma and Grandpa Volz, you gave Amy the Subway card) We took the Metro to the Columbia Heights area and went to the Target and Staples to get a few more supplies. I got lots of cup-O-noodles, which are pretty cheap and also some target brand easy mac. I got some pop-tarts for a breakfast additive to go with my fruit. At staples, we got some loose-leaf paper, some binders, and pushpins. I also needed some big pink erasers for all my Calculus and Physics mistakes. I also bought a battery for a watch that I found while helping Sue unpack some boxes into their new house. The watch works well:) Thank YOU!

After that, we went back to Georgetown and we hung out in her dorm a little while while eating some of the things we had purchased. It is always difficult to walk across a city with large bags of food it seems. We had to carry them the mile across the Bridge from Rosslyn to Georgetown. I went home after a while and had a little trouble, but overall, the travel went smoothly.

Sunday: I slept in, relatively late for me, until 9. My roommates are much different and sleep in until 12 easily. They also stay up much later and aren't usually even in the room by the tie I go to bed. I took a shower and got ready for church. I walked the 20 minutes down to the intersection of Massachusetts Ave, where American is located, and Wisconsin, which turns to 37th, where Georgetown is located. I met Amy there and we walked the couple of blocks to the Community of Christ church which is on Massachusetts Ave also.

The Church service was OK, and there was communion. The services are more formal and much like the services in Harbor Beach, except there are a few more people there. There were about 25 this week and there were about that many last week as well. The church is very new and doesn't feel like home at all, even though I know the songs and how the services go. I much prefer our Whitehall church, but hopefully I'll get used to the ones here. We may try out a different church sometime.

After church, we went back to Georgetown and went to the SAC fair. I think it stood for Student Activities Center, but we weren't sure about the C. They had some entertainment and also tons of booths for various clubs and organizations. There were political clubs, drama and debate clubs, sports clubs, and community service clubs. I'm sure there were many more too, but those were the major categories that I can remember. We wandered around in the heat for a while and then gave up and went into the library to study once more. We studied for probably 4 hours and then went back to Amy's dorm to get some food. There was a group called Escape in the lounge handing out Ice Cream, so we took some of that. IT was really good and they even had brownies and syrup for them.

I went home and then woke again Monday morning. This time, Amy came up to American to study. We spent the morning Studying and then ate lunch in the TDR. We studied at various locations, because the Library was closed due to labor day. We sat in the entry to the library for a while and then finally moved into the more comfortable Mary Graydon Center. After Studying until 2:30, we took the Metro to Potomac Ave. From there, we walked down to Christopher's house to drop off a Thank You and his keys.

Then, the real waking began. We walked from there, back one street to East Capital, and then all the way down East Capital to the Capital Building. It was about 3 miles walk just there, and Amy already walked the 3 miles up to American. We looked at the Library of Congress from the outside, and also several other buildings near the Capital. It was pretty hot outside and we were pretty tired by the time we got to the Smithsonian area. We stopped in the closest one, which was National Museum of American Indians. We just got a drink, went the bathroom and rested for as long as we could inside the shade and Air Conditioning! It felt soooo good, but then it closed and we were again pushed outside the area. We got on the Federal Triangle Metro Stop and then rode to Rosslyn once again. We walked back to Georgetown and then printed off a Physics Worksheet for me that was due Tuesday. The library was closed at American, so I couldn't print it there.

Anyway, to make a short story shorter, I went home, ate some food, typed a blog, finished my homework, and went to bed.

Good Night All!

I'm Glad all seems well in Montana. Everything is getting much more hopeful for me here. I Like it pretty well now, though there is never a surplus of time.


  1. So what's it like, buying a Subway in a subway station? ;)

  2. I haven't done that. You can't buy anything down there. Above it you can though. I wish then had stores down there, but then they would lose half the business, because they would only have to make one trip.

  3. I have been on subways that have stores underground. They probably have the system figured out the way they like it for DC.

  4. In Australia it seems there is more shopping underground than above, maybe a slight exaggeration.

    I'm glad to hear you like Subway as I just sent you a little package with a Subway gift card in it!

    I think joining an acappella group or choir next term is a great idea. A fun, different type of activity that has no homework!!! Erik and I are in 2 choirs! We can't do our Thursday night one for the fall because it's at the same time as Bryn's JV football games.

    Glad to hear life is going a bit better, Love Tante
