Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend of 9/11

This weekend was pretty fun:) I'll go over some of the main things that Amy and I did.

Friday after classes, I met Amy at the Metro stop and we rode for a long ways all the way to college park over in the NW part of town, actually into Maryland. We got on a shuttle to UMD over there and made it to the campus. IT is a HUGE campus and has about 35 thousand people, so it took us quite a while to get to the Performing arts center. We got there quite early and as a result, sat around quite a bit and looked around a little. Before the show, they had champagne, sparkling cider, and water, all served in fancy glasses that suited the occasion. We then got our tickets and went into the show room. As it started, Tamara was the playing Edith Wharton, one of the ladies that was at Los Alamos during the creation of the first Nuclear bomb. The show was physics based, and the stage was surrounded with large screens that had projected images of Los Alamos, the Hadron collider, and other things like that. One part of the Dance was depicting the experiments of gravity. Ahh! It was a really good experience and I can't really describe it well at all, but I think it is going to go to Butte, so you might be able to watch it there.
After the main dance portion of the show, there was an intermission and we saw Amy's cousins and their family. Tamara's dad was there and some of their friends that were from California and are now in DC for school. Then, after visiting with them for a little while, there was the second half of the evening. The people were divided into 3 groups and sent to different rooms. There, we sat at tables and had tea, like Edith Wharton did with the Physicists at Los Alamos in the 40s. We talked with a Physics professor from UMD and it was pretty interesting. We even had some chocolate cake that was her recipe. It was really good and seemed a little like pound cake. Anyway, that was about it. After the show, we met up with the Pullmans and Tamara's family and went to eat at Plato's Diner or something like that. It was really good and was fun to get to eat with Lewis and Jack, and Mesa. They are all quite fun people to be around, and we had a good dinner. After that, they drove us to the Metro stop and I walked Amy back to Georgetown. It was too late by the time I was at Georgetown to walk back to Rosslyn, so I ran home in the wee hours of the morning. It took me 26 minutes to jog back to American from Georgetown.

Saturday had a bit of sleep, but I got up pretty early and walked over to Georgetown. There, we studied for a while and then went to listen to the Author of the book, The Reluctant Fundamentalist. It was the required reading for the Georgetown students. He was a great speaker, and it was fun to listen to him. We looked at the Yearbook that Amy received in the mail the previous day, and that was pretty fun to see everyone. Vance's individual Junior picture, and Kristie's baby picture were particularly funny:) Anyway, we then worked on homework a little more, but the previous night stole a lot of time from Saturday's day.

Sunday, we went on the Unity Walk. It was really cool and we saw the Sikh Temple, along with the Muslim Mosque, and also A Buddhist Temple. They were all very interesting. At the Sikh and Muslim houses of worship, we both had to take off our shoes before entering. At the Sikh temple, I had to cover my head with a turban thing, and at both the Sikh temple and the Mosque Amy had to cover her hair. They had food at both places, and we ate there for lunch mostly.

We then walked all the way down Massachusetts Ave to Du Pont Circle to catch the Metro to the National Art Gallery. It is in the National Mall, and we met Claire there. There were lots of paintings, and they all started to look the same after a while. There was an underground tunnel going to another building though that had very cool fluid(changing, not liquid) light displays. So anyway, basically, we walked a ton, and saw some cool things. I walked about 10 miles total. My feet were quite ready to be done by the end of the day. We went home after that, and I worked on my homework for a while and ate some food. That was about it.

Goodnight All:)

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