Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Amy Starts Classes

Today, I woke at 6:00, took a quick shower, and then started walking to Georgetown, because today, Amy started classes. I wanted to be there so I could hear about them and just so I could be there really, so I walked there. It took me 50 minutes to go down there.

First, she had Spanish. It was in a very large and somewhat confusing building, but the room that her class was in was very small. There were 16 desks in it, but there were only 8 students in it. Wait a minute, I can't really describe her classes very well. I'll see if she will post something about them.

Anyway, she then had Theology and I read my Physics then. We walked off campus to her next class, which happened to be Calculus. From there, I walked home once again. On the way home though, the sun had warmed the air significantly, so I sweated a lot. I called my parents and talked to them on the way home, and as my arm was creased near my elbow, allowing the phone to come to my ear, the sweat from within the fold of skin ran out and dripped off my elbow.

I then got ready and went to Calculus. I only had one class today, so I had lots of time for my other homework, which it seems never dwindles. Oh well, I think I'm getting a little more used to all this homework. I think everything will be OK.

Goodnight everyone,

Oh, and I got a very nice letter from Carol Ann today. Thank You Carol Ann if you read this blog. If not, someone else might mention it to her. Thanks!

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