Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Calculus Test... Duh Duh Duh!!!!!!!

Tuesday was a fairly busy day, as usual, so I got up and then went to Physics. After that, I read part of my Physics homework and then studied my Global Majority information for the quiz the following class. I Got 100% on that quiz as I was in formed last evening. Only the 2 best quizzes of 4 count for the grade, so for my quiz portion of my grade, I got 100%. Hooray!

Anyway, I then went and studied with Holly before my Calculus test in "The Mud Box," which is a coffee shop in the lowest level in the library. I mostly looked over my notes and solidified my understanding of the procedure to follow regarding radicals. Anyway, then we went to the test. It seemed really easy and I finished the 9 pages in about 50 minutes of the 75 minute class, so I looked over it once more and then turned it in and went to my Music class I found the Practice rooms in the Katzen Arts Center and played the piano for a bit.

I did homework for the rest of the day and then got up at 8:30 Wednesday morning and worked on my Physics homework. I checked my email again and found one labeled "Test Results." I then looked on my Blackboard and saw that I got a 97% on the Calculus one:D That was the highest grade in the class, though I shared it with 4 others, but the average was 92. There are 22 people in the class, so I was very relieved, when I saw my grade... Anyway, I don't want to brag, but just to let you know that I was very excited, because I'm more sure now that I can get at least a 3.0 and keep my scholarship:) Ok, Back to homework now.


Oh, and I'm walking over to Amy's after Calculus class today:)


  1. Sweet! Great job Travis. Such a good feeling to take a college exam and do well. You never know for sure how you're going to do. I'm glad you've got some confidence built up now!!!

    Love you,


  2. We loved hearing about your last weekend and also about you doing well on your test. It never surprises us when you do well, however. I sent Amy's letter slow mail a few days ago. Sorry it took me so long, Amy. Love you both.
