Monday, October 4, 2010

Amy and I together for 1 year

Our 1 year anniversary was on Saturday, October 2nd, so I planned ahead a bit and took her on a fun date, or series of things rather.

Here is the url to some pictures of this day:)¬if_t=like#!/album.php?aid=92004&id=1313910014

First, I walked down to Georgetown and it was nice outside. This was somewhat surprising and very welcome, because it had rained for 2 whole days Wednesday and Thursday before the date. Today it was very cold, like probably 45 or 50 and windy, so I'm still not sure how we got so lucky. Anyway, I arrived down there at about 9:10 and she had some presents for me. The first one was a big poofy one, and it said "No more Brrr..." I had told my mom and Amy about my cold bed. I only had one blanket, so that is why she gave me a blanket. It was the most unperfect timing though, because my mom sent me one right before, but 3 blankets will feel very nice! Thank You, Amy, and Mom! Then, I opened some poptarts, labeled"yummy," that were not the best best best kind, but they were up there. They were chocolate chip cookie dough I believe. Then, Amy one upped herself and gave me the best best best kind:) On the wrapping paper it said, "Scrummdiddlyumptious" She gave me a bigger box of Chocolate Fudge poptarts. Then, I knew there would be nothing else, because that would just be too much... I was wrong:) Amy then gave me a small package labeled, "Save the best for last." I knew from the size of the box and the fact that I had told her about wanting them sometime earlier that they were buckyballs (216 little sphere neodymium magnets that can be shaped a bunch of ways). After that, we went to the lunchroom and she brought out a bagel for me. They are really good bagels and Amy puts strawberry cream cheese on them.

After breakfast, we walked across the bridge to Rosslyn and then took the Metro up to Cleveland Park. I was taking her to the zoo, but I didn't want to get off at the Adams-Morgan Zoo stop, so I instead took her to the Cleveland Park stop which is about the same distance away. The skies were still perfectly clear, so the zoo trip was quite nice. We went on the Asian trail and saw several animals. Then, we say the elephants. They were much cooler that the rest of the animals we had seen or would see. The elephants had some branches thrown to them from outside, and they would pick up the branch with their trunk, and step on the other half of it to rip it in half. Then they would eat it bit by bit. We walked a while and saw some more animals outside, and then stopped to get some lunch. The food was really good, but some pesky bees kept trying to sample our soda. It just added another element to the dining experience I guess:) We then went to see the small animal place which had the little monkeys and such, and then we went to the bird place. There was a really creepy owl that had huge eyes. I think it was called a spectacled Owl or something like that. We also went to the Reptile building and then to this rain forest one. Amy was a little freaked out by some of the snakes, and I was too to some extent, but oh well, they are just creepy things. The rain forest one was really cool and had a place where the animals were just running around wild. There were only small animals, but there was a cool spoonbill that had pink feathers and was friendly. A dad was holding a baby and the baby reached towards the spoonbill and it reached out too and bit the baby's hand. It didn't get hurt very much, but the mom didn't let the baby reach out again...

After the zoo, we sat up on the hill behind the zoo sign and talked for a while and then walked over to this restaurant called "Himalayan Heritage." Ok, so this whole day, I was not telling Amy what we were going to do or where were were going, so every thing was a surprise to some degree, but she figured out the zoo, because there was a sign as we were coming out of the Metro. Anyway, the restaurant was in Adams-Morgan and had a small street entrance. There tons of restaurants around that area, but I had looked this one up ahead of time and we went there. The inside was decorated nicely with Indian stuff and we sat at a table next to the window. The waiter came out and gave us some weird thing like rice excepted popcorn style, so it was a little crunchy. There were also some green beans and red onion bits and other spices. Then we ordered a smoothie and 2 different chicken meals. One was very good, like the same taste as the Garbonzo Beans Smita made, except just a sauce and chicken to put over some really good rice. The other dish was just barbecued Chicken with onions and peppers. It was pretty good too, but not really Indian cuisine. The food was really good! After that we went to a theater performance at the Kennedy Center called Shear Madness. IT was really good, but I have to go to bed, so I'll tell about it some other time.

I'm sorry this is so late, but I've been really busy.


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