Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week in Review.

Ok, so the last time I posted anything was on the 19th. Not many major things have happened since that day, but several things to note have taken place.

Wednesday I walked down to Georgetown to go to Chi Alpha with Amy. We worked on homework for a long time before it and got some Subway too.

Thursday was a normal thursday too, and the lab we did this day actually worked well. It was one regarding the conservation of linear momentum. The data didn't come out all that well as we had large error, but the setup was straight forward and we finished most of the calculations in class. Jeff Gu, an Asian kid was in our group this time since his partner was gone. He was a lot better to work with than Jordan. Jordan is fine to work with, but thinks too much about some things and wastes time as a result. Jeff has a better knowledge of the ideas it seems. Later that day, I went to get some help on my Calculus and then went to the Library to work with Jeff on some of the Physics homework. We both had already finished the required amount, but we then did a little extra, as much as we could anyway. He was dressed up even in our lab class with a tux type concert outfit. He said he was going to play his violin at the Kennedy center in a benefit orchestra for children that can't afford instruments of their own. His concert was at 6, after 2 hours of practicing. Judging from that, I would say that he is pretty awesome at Violin. Possibly as good as Amy:)

Friday was pretty busy and good. I went to physics class and he did the centripetal fire experiment. It turns our that as the platform spins, the air is pushed to the outside and as a result, there is greater air pressure on the outside than the inside and the flame is pushed to the inside. Following physics class, I worked on my discussion paper for Global Majority for several hours, because to make up for the movies that we had watched in that class, we didn't have class on this Friday. The rest of the classes were OK, but since this week was "An All-American Weekend" (Family weekend) there were some parents that sat in on our Understanding Music class. I'm not sure if that was the reason, but the professor seemed to talk much faster and took responses from us less than ever before. I really hope he isn't like that for the rest of the time.

After classes, I walked down to Georgetown and talked to Darcy a little. She was working on the shelter at the Silver Tower Park in Whitehall. We were talking about doing that when Amy and I were in charge of the Interact club, but it never got going. Anyway, I had been carrying a grab and go lunch all the way down there to eat with Amy for dinner. Oh, there was something amusing that took place as I was getting the lunch. So, I had went to the TDR for my lunch, and was then going to go to get a grab and go for dinner. I grabbed 2 bananas from the TDR and carried them to the Box lunch area. The box lunches come with a sandwich, wrap, or salad, a drink, and 3 sides. As I walked up there, I realized that they also had bananas as sides there. It must have looked really suspicious, because I grabbed 3 more sides. Ok, so I was at Georgetown, and I met Amy and we studied for a while and then went to watch the Georgetown's Children's Theater perform the Velveteen Rabbit. They prepare a play for about half a semester and then they travel around performing the play at various childrens hospitals and schools for the rest of the semester. The play was pretty good, but very children oriented as promised. They had the audience do things such as sing happy birthday to the little boy, hug someone to make them feel better (by wrapping their arms around themselves), show their best smiles, and frowns, and some other things. This was the play for which Amy made the cool poster. I saved some programs:) After this, I went home and went to bed, because tomorrow morning would be early!

Saturday morning, I got up, got ready, and went to the Community of Christ garage sale. The proceeds went to some homeless organization or something. Anyway, I went over there early in the morning and helped them set up the tables and move books and such. The tables were very heavy and we had to carry them all the way around the church. After that, we had to carry 7 rows of pews worth of boxes of books of varying sizes and shapes and colors and backings. (hard or soft backed) Anyway, Amy came too and we looked around the place and carried things to and fro and bought several items.

After this, we went to the new building at American, possibly business or foreign relations or something, and studied for a couple of hours. We then had some lunch and got ready to go to the Springfield Mall. It looked really cool online and had over one million square feet of retail space. We rode the shuttle to Tenleytown and then rode the Metro to the Metro Center and then transferred to the Blue line and took it all the way to the end past Arlington National Cemetery and past the Pentagon and past Reagan International Airport. It took us about 40 minutes of straight travel on the blue line, but then we were finally there. We got out and found a large parking center that was at the end of the Metro for commuters. We then walked about half of a mile over to the mall. We went into Macy's and looked for my coat. (The reason we went to this mall was to pick up our coats that had been a graduation present.) I tried on several and eventually found one that fit pretty well, but still has a bit of growing into room and is a zip up black wool one. Amy tried on some at Macy's too, but couldn't find the right one. We walked around the mall a while and then over to the JC Penney's to look for some more coats. Amy found a good one there that was purple, but there was also a gray one that was the same style, so she got that one.

Amy's mom was going to pay for them, so we called her up when we were at the checking out to get the card information. The cashier then put it in and we went to get my coat from Macy's. Amy had written the information on the JC Penney's receipt and we just gave that to check out lady. She was hispanic and tried to help us, but she was inputting the information to what looked to us to be a Macy's card spot on the computer. Anyway, it didn't work. Then, we went in search of a more competent check-out lady. We found one, but she also thought it was a bit more suspicious to have the card information of someone from Montana written on a receipt. We tried to pay for it explaining that it was Amy's mom, but I don't think they believed us... After thinking about it a bit, I don't think I would have believed us either, since she hadn't seen us get the information from Sue on the phone.

We bought some good Chinese food at a place called Sarku Japan. There were spanish speakers working there. I guess it could have been Japanese food, but that wouldn't have been as fun to explain. We also got a milkshake that was delicious! It was strawberry and had some extra cherry flavors floating around in there. We walked back to the Metro station as it was getting kinda late, then we finally made it back to American at 8. We watched Blood Diamond, one of those movies for Global Majority, and then Amy went home.

Sunday, I went to church and then walked down to Georgetown. There were some leftover baked goods from the garage sale, so I had some cookies and this strange bar. It had marshmallows and fudge encasing them. It was super amazing! We worked on homework for a while, then Josiah called me back. (I had called several people on my walk down to Georgetown from Church on Massachusetts Ave.) We then went to a costume sale that the drama department was having. There was a really cool robe that was very sturdy, but I put it back on the rack and it got taken right away because it was so awesome! Amy got this fun leprechaun costume and some peach colored pants for Halloween. People from Georgetown can go trick or treating down Embassy Row. I would have gone too, but I have classes until 4:50 on Friday, and it ends at 5. I got a red shirt though in case we dress up just to walk around on Saturday evening with Jim (Amy's brother that will be here). We did some more homework, then had a wonderful dinner of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream, a sub, and some honey bbq fritos:) We studied even more and then I walked home and talked to my Sacry grandparents. It was really good to hear from them too:)

Well, its late, that's all I did, and I'm going to bed. Enjoy!


  1. Awesome post Travis. Thanks for writing! Hope you have a great week. The beautiful fall weather is over here. Rain started in full force yesterday. Andrew's studying one last night before his GRE test on Tuesday. I hope he does great-he's sure been studying hard.

    Bryn had fun last night at a dodge ball tournament with a bunch of friends from his elementary school. His team even won!

    Miss you,


  2. Dodgeball is really fun:) I hope I can get involved in some more group athletic activities here soon.

    Today has been pretty boring, yet productive none the less. I'll make a post tonight.

    I miss you too, and everyone!

