Sunday, October 17, 2010

Air and Space Museum and more!

This weekend started pretty well for me, because I didn't have classes on Thursday or Friday so I got a lot of homework done. Amy however wasn't so luck, because she had school all of those days. She has a lot of homework, but is really good at getting it done, it seems. Anyway, Amy came over friday afternoon and we ate lunch and then worked on homework in my room for a long time. We had some of the Mountain House freeze dried stuff that we got when we were in Salt Lake. The Beef Straganof was much better than the pasta primavera that we tried while in DC. IT was really good, and it even had mushrooms in it. (Shhh! Don't tell Amy) After dinner, we watched As Good as it Gets, which was a good movie about a cranky OCD guy that makes friends and learns how to live better.

Saturday morning we both worked on our homework for a while at our separate campuses and then I went down to Georgetown at about noon or so. Before that though, I had breakfast for the second time at TDR and had a delicious omelet with tomatoes, peppers, ham, bacon, and cheese. They made it differently than I have seen before, because they put all of the ingredients on the griddle first and then warmed them up and chopped them. After a little while they used a ladle to pour some eggs on the mixture. They contained the eggs with two spatulas and then shaped it as a square. After it cooked for a while, he put some shredded cheese on it and wrapped it up like a burrito.

Amy and I worked on homework a while after I got there, and then we went to the National Air and Space Museum. It was really cool. The building itself is really huge and has 2 main floors. There was a really cool little kids place talking about air and pressure and aerodynamics and such! I really liked it even though it was for little children. They had this one demonstration that had a tube and you could turn on a vacuum to pump the air out. There was a feather inside, so you could see how different it fell without air. There was also a cool exhibit about seeing things on earth and it showed some areal photos and other equipment used for that. The coolest thing by far in that place was an area watched by an infrared camera. The picture was then put up on the screen, so you could see the relative temperatures of your body, or anything in the way of the camera. My nose was quite blue, and my hands were red. Blue was cold, and red was hot. If I rubbed them together quickly, my hands could get even redder. Amy tried to lift up her arm and her armpits were very red. It was cool to experiment with the colors and temperatures of different things. Amy took some pictures of this and they will be on facebook when she posts them, under some new album of hers. The next cool exhibit we saw was one that had satellite images of earth and the moon and different plants and the sun. They were taken pretty close and were very good resolution and blown up pretty large. They were awesome!!! The sun taken by ultraviolet looks really cool.

We started to walk home and then found this guy preaching outside the Museum. He had a big booth and was talking loudly over some speakers. Then there were some atheists that were protesting and kinda making fun of them and one of the atheists went over to the booth and started yelling at them. They were kinda scared and told him to, "Back away in the name of God!" He didn't and no one got hurt, but he argued for a long time and he had to yell to try to be heard over the microphones. Then they let him use a microphone for a little while, but took it away after he started yelling again. It was a pretty intense conversation, but was really interesting and fun to watch.

We finally went back to the L'Enfant Plaza Metro station and they got off at the Rosslyn one. We looked around the little mall that is by the metro station and bought some ice cream to share. Then, as we were leaving, we found the store that we were looking for. We had come there in search of a store to buy some supper and a little candy for Despicable Me. We bought some Ravioli some guava wafer cookies. It was a really weird flavor and I had never heard of them before. They tasted pretty good though. We also bought a pack of licorice and a guava nectar drink that was on sale for 37 cents.

We walked back over to Georgetown, worked on homework for a while, ate the dinner, and then went to the movie. It didn't start for a little while, but then they thought they had fixed it so they let it run without the sound for 10 minutes. It was about half an hour late by the time someone in the audience, who happened to be a tech guy from a different part of georgetown, finally fixed the sound. We watched the movie, and I liked it a lot. We worked on homework for a long time after that and I walked over to Rosslyn once more. The drunks were out with a vengeance that night, and there were crazy loud obnoxious people everywhere! One threw up on the metro and then made it off in time to throw up a bunch more on the platform... Blech!

Sunday was pretty good, and I slept in til 9:45... A record for me! I got ready and then walked over to meet Amy for church. We went to church and then escaped as soon as possible so we could get some work done in the afternoon. We had a delicious Meatball Marinara Subway sandwich with chipotle sauce. It is really good and you should try it!!! With that tough, I expended the last of my subway card money:S Oh well. We went to the play after sitting in the library in the hot window room. The play was Arsenic and Old Lace, the same one that Amy during her senior year, so it was fun to see it again. Harry, someone Amy had met during orientation, and I had met after that was Officer O'Hara. He did a great job, and it was a really fun play to watch! I do like watching plays that cast people I know, but this was really fun too! They probably have more acting skills than the Whitehall group, but I didn't think it was nearly as funny. The set was set up differently though, because the audience sat in a rectangle around the table. At each corner was a different entrance. On one corner was the main door, another the window with window seat to hold bodies in, the kitchen was another, and the last was the small set of stairs that Teddy runs up yelling "Charge!!!!!!" The set and clothing were much more fancy, but the stairs at whitehall were much more impressive!

Anyway, I went home after that and then worked on my homework and tried to get some dinner, but it was closed, so I had some easy mac instead. Now, I have to go to bed, so Goodnight all. Posts coming in the future!

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