Monday, October 11, 2010

Catchup 2

Ok, so I didn't finish it yesterday, because as some of you know I tried to test out a different operating system, and it didn't go so smoothly:S So, as I got home from Georgetown, the internet wouldn't work, but I got it to work today.

The rest of my week was fairly average, but I sat with this guy named Tom at dinner on Tuesday. He seemed pretty nice and was quite talkative. He is a senior from New Jersey. We exchanged cell phone numbers, and I met him and his suite mate at lunch on Thursday.

On wednesday, Amy walked up to American, instead of me going to Georgetown like usual, because the American vs. Georgetown soccer game was here at 3. We watched it, and it was a pretty good game. Georgetown was leading 1-0 by the time we got there(I had Calculus right before that, so we were a little late) and They took an even greater lead with 2-0. American scored 1 time in the first half, so it was 2-1 at halftime. After halftime, We scored again, and then it was tied, but Georgetown secured the win with 8 or so minutes left to play. It was a great game overall, though it looked like We were going to get crushed. After the game, we ate some dinner and worked on homework til it got somewhat late, then I walked Amy home a ways.

On Thursday, I had a lab that was all messed up. The lab was written wrong first of all, so that we couldn't do it correctly if we followed the procedure. Anyway, I was doing it right off the bat, but then David (the lab manager guy) corrected me. So, we did the lab and all of the calculations the wrong way, and then, I asked about one of the questions which wouldn't work, since we did the lab the wrong way, so we redid the lab with only an hour at the end of class as a group and he sent us the data, so we could do the calculations.

After the lab, I had American Society, and then I met Tom and Stephen for lunch. They took a lot longer to eat than I usually do, but it was good to talk to some people at lunch. Later that day, I met Jeff to look over some Physics. He is this really smart Japanese guy, so I was surprised that he wanted my help. Anyway, we worked on the homework problems that we had had trouble with, and then I went to bed.

I went to all my classes Friday, and then went to Georgetown to see Amy. We got a grab and go (that's the only way we can eat together with her meal plan) and the guy offered her another sandwich. He said she could have it for tomorrow, but it was just perfect, and I ate it. They don't have grab and gos on the weekend, so he had to get rid of the left over wraps.

Saturday was full of studying at Georgetown. We studied in the new Business building at some nice tables they had. There was a football game taking place while we were studying, so we could hear whenever Georgetown did something good, even though it was quite a ways away. We went to watch a movie which we thought would be Despicable Me, but we were mistaken, and it was Dinner for Schmucks. We didn't have to pay, and it was in an auditorium in the Intercultural Center (ICC).

On sunday, I did some homework, and then met Amy at Georgetown. We went to church again at the Community of Christ, and then hung around afterward and talked a while. I talked to some guy that is/was an engineer, and he said that the basic difference between engineers and physicists is the fact that the engineers can learn something that doesn't make sense, apply it, and build something, where as the physicist spends years and years trying to understand some complex thing that we may never understand. Amy talked to Mary, who knew the Elefsons from Graceland, and said that once she had Thanksgiving dinner at their farm, because she was far from home while at college. Mary said that it was the best THanksgiving she had ever had! She knew Alice the best I think. She is around 80 now. We also talked to Wade Wallace's mother and she knew the Elefsons also. Small world huh? (For those who don't know, my grandma Sacry's maiden name was Elefson)

Wade Wallace took us out to lunch after church. It was so strange to ride in a car once again. That was the 1st time I've ridden in a car since August 26th. He showed us around the NW part of town and showed us a bit of the National Cathedral. It is very huge and can be seen from almost everywhere in DC. We ate at Tenleytown, at a place right across from the Metro stop, so I had seen it many times before, but it is too expensive for me to really eat there. They had Thai food and it was very delicious. He also drove us back to Georgetown a way we hadn't gone before, and it was downhill all the way. It didn't look to be any faster than the normal way down Massachusetts and then Wisconsin to 37th, but it was nice to see more of the town. He told us of his brother that was a paparazzi and had been to Georgetown to get pictures of the very rich prince of Spain. That was cool.

Amy and I studied a lot and then watched a movie. We were originally going to watch Blood Diamond, which is one that we have to watch for my class, but it wasn't available online, so we watched Brokeback Mountain that Amy had to watch for her class. It was a very interesting movie, and was quite sad. I signed up for the free trial of Net Flix by the way. Blood Diamond is being sent to me, and we will watch it this weekend. After the movie, I walked home once again, and went to bed as soon as I took off my heavy backpack.

Today, I have to go to another Mall, so that is what I'll be upto for most of the day. I ran this morning, and will try to keep running, because I have been a lazy bum for quite a while. I WILL NOT take the 15 pounds!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning Travis! Good job on the running.

    Mmmm, Thai food is my favorite!

    Here's another small world thing-we went to college with Wade Wallace, he's actually a little older than us, and also knows Erik's cousins, Janet Lively and Rick Richards. I think he dated Janet actually. Anyway, tell him Hi next time you can.

    Love you,

