Monday, October 18, 2010


I know the basic nature of a blog is for people to ramble on and on about the small variances in their lives or the deeper meanings they find within everyday life, but I rather do it to inform the rest of the word about whats going on with me. I know everyone else if busy with their own lives, but it would still be nice to get some comments or emails regarding what I've done. I know its not really noble or worthy of praise, but just so I could get connected to the outside world a little, ya know? Anyway, I'd love it if someone showed me that this entire use of time wasn't in vain.

Thanks, Travis


  1. Good Morning Travis. Your work is not in vain. I read your blog faithfully and I love hearing how you are doing. Even more importantly, I think you'll find years down the road that you are so grateful to have this journal of your college years. I didn't do a blog, but I wrote letters every week to Mom and Dad and Brenda and my brothers and Marge and Tore and Karen and Linda and my grandparents. Many of those letters were saved and they are so fun to look back over. It's amazing how much it helps to take me back to my wonderful college years. And it's amazing how much you can forget over the years. So this is your little pep talk! It's worth it for us and for you!!

    All is well here. I am babysitting a 1 year old this week. His mom, Louise, was in Ramblers with Roger and Patty. He's a cutie and no trouble at, just keeps me busy.

    Andrew started his job at OHSU doing research and date entry and stats, last week. He's also studying very hard for the GRE which he takes on the 26th.

    Emily is teaching on her own today, with a sub in the room. She's excited, but it'll be a challenge, with 31 3rd graders who like to chat.

    Bryn is home sick, his first sick day this fall. He's got a tummy bug. But his football season is going well. They are a winning team, 5-1 and he got to start on defense last game.
    He went to a place called Sky High on Sat, look it up on the internet. He said it was a blast!

    Ryan is busy with football 4 days a week and choir 2 days after school and play practice 2 days after school. He had basketball tryouts this weekend to determine which team he'll be on, it's pretty competitive here with tons of guys trying out.

    Kari is doing pretty well, but overwhelmed. She's working 10+ hours a week. JV soccer just finished up so that'll give her some more time. They won their last game of the season, 3-1. First win in 2 years!

    We plan to head to MT for Thanksgiving, it'll be weird to not have you there. We'll really miss you. Kari is heading to Roger and Patty's so that'll be good for her.

    Love you,


  2. Thanks for the encouragement! Sky High sounds fun. We went to a place just like that in Denver on our class trip. It was pretty cool, and slightly dangerous, but fun none the less.

    I don't know how she could work that much. That would definitely make me overwhelmed. I am just counting my studies as my work, because if I can maintain a 3.0, I keep my scholarship and 18,000 a year, which is better than most college jobs. That gives me incentive to think of it like that.

    Amy and I are going to her aunt Mary's house for thanksgiving. It is over in Charlottesville Virginia and we are taking the train! I'm kinda excited! Then, there is only a week of school after that and them some tests and I can come home. Hooray! You guys won't be there for christmas this year, will you? Thanksgiving should be fun for you, and I'll get to meet them for the first time.
