Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jim comes to Town.

I would be sleeping right now, but since it is close to Halloween and everyone is dressed up and noisy in the hall way, I thought I should at least do something productive while I can't sleep.

The week since I last wrote was normal and I just did homework, saw Amy, and saw Jim along with tens of thousands of other people.

On Friday night, Amy and I met Jim at Adams Morgan, because we thought his friends would be around there. His plane was delayed and so we didn't meet him until about 9. There were other travel troubles for him too. Apparently someone had attempted suicide, and I imagine they succeeded. He was on the Metro and then as he was about to transfer to the red line, there was another train on the other side and officers were looking under each car. They shut down the metro and when he was leaving he saw the stretcher being brought in for the person to be carried out. He was also delayed by a veteran that he started to talk to and tried to help without giving him money, like helping him look for a place to stay for the night. He wasn't homeless, but he came for some surgery at the Veteran's hospital in DC, and they had rescheduled him without previously telling him, so he was temporarily stranded. The veteran started to leave, but didn't have enough money to get a place at the hostile, so Jim gave him some money. Then, after the subway incident, he found out that the money he had given the man would have been just the amount for his taxi ride.

We met him at Adams Morgan, because there were some good restaurants there and some people he knew were going to meet us there. They never showed up, but we had a good dinner at an Indian restaurant called Little India. We caught up with him a while and heard about his book, which will be for sale by the end of November or the beginning of December. It sounds like it should be pretty good. Anyway, I just spent a long time looking it up and now I'm tired and will have to tell about the "Rally to Restore Sanity" later, though it was quite the experience.


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