Tuesday, September 28, 2010

After the Tests.

So, as you may have read previous to this post, I had 3 tests today. They were much harder in my head before I took them. Actually, they weren't too bad at all. I think I should have gotten a 75% at worst on my Physics test, an 83% at worst on my Global majority test, and a 96% at worst on my Understanding Music test. The rest of the day was mostly Studying for the test that I hadn't taken yet and working on my concert review. I went to a Chamber Orchestra concert by the way, on sunday. It was a pretty good performance, but I had to take notes throughout and so I couldn't really just enjoy the music. It was in a Catholic Church building that looked pretty fancy, similar to the Methodist Church that we went to, except for a lot more plain. That was about all my day, except for attempting some calculus, and eating some dinner.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The tests are coming.

Hi, this is Brenda.
Travis is super busy today, so I thought I'd help him out. It's another hard time for him because he has 2 or 3 big tests on Tuesday and not enough time to study and several problems that have stumped him. It's frustrating when your calc or physics problems don't work out and you don't know who to turn to!

Saturday he and Amy had some fun, but,of course, that used up studying time and Sunday was stressful.(It was still worth it though said by Travis) Here's some from an email about the soccer game Saturday.

The Soccer Game today against Bucknell was pretty intense. We scored 2 goals in the first half. Then, in the second half, a kid from my floor that I've talked to a little scored another one: ) He is a Freshman also and starts on their team. Amy and I always like to watch him... Anyway, he scored from about 30 yards out and it was pretty awesome. Then, since it was pretty rough as usual, one of our guys kept fighting for the ball, and knocking one of theirs over. A couple seconds later, that guy grabbed our guy around the neck like with his elbow (imagine giving a noogie) and threw him to the ground. A tiny brawl broke out and then Everyone was where it happened and the refs were discussing it. Everyone in the crowd was quite upset and there was some name calling as you could imagine. Anyway, it was really fun, and we won 3-1.

Keep up the good work, Travis. We are all rooting for you.
Love, Mom

One other funny thing that happened today was at Lunch when Amy came over. We were eating in the TDR, and Amy was talking about the Hoya Blue club she was in. She was thinking about things to put on her resume, and she said that being on a spirit club might not be to helpful. She said, "I want to join a more substantial club where I could maybe learn something, maybe College Democrats." I Said, "From Democrats?!?" I'm just kidding, but it was funny at the time:)

I have to go to bed earlyish so I can get ready for those tests.

Bye, All.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bike Rental Adventure

So, today started off as any other day, but got increasingly interesting as it progressed. American has a bicycle rental system through the Student Government that allows you to check out bikes and use them for upto 6 hours, supposedly.

I checked out the program yesterday to find out how it worked, but I had already signed up for it online since last month probably. The reason I hadn't used it yet, was the fact that I had messed with it several times to try to log in, but I had set up several different user names and I chose the wrong one to check. After my interactions with the Student Government yesterday, I wrote an email with lots more questions, like if the bike came with a lock, or if it came with a light to use after dark.

Finding no reply to my inquiries, I went over to the office again today before Calculus and talked to the manager of the program. She answered most of my questions and got me signed in online so that I would have registered to take one out today at 5, after my classes to go to Georgetown. I went over there and checked it out a little before 5.

This process was somewhat exciting for me, so I'll share it with the readers of this blog. First, you make a request online with your log in information and the time you'd like to use the bike. Then, at that time, you go to the space outside room 264 in the Mary Graydon Center and login on a computer in the hall way and select that you would like to check out a bike. After you have entered the information, a green light comes on signaling that you can open the metal cabinet door. Then, there is a light above a keychain that is lit up. You twist that key to the left and take it. This key is used to open a large box that is located in the entrance area of the Letts and Anderson dorms courtyard.

I opened the box to reveal a bike that had no exposed gears besides the normal ones that were needed to propel it. I thought that it would probably be a single speed then, but I couldn't test it, because the tires were flat:S This was not really fun, because I was going to hurry over to Amy's when I got the bike, but instead, I had to walk the bike back to the Mary Graydon Center to look for a bike pump. I went back to the office and they had one that I could use. I took it down stairs and tried to pump the tires. I tried the back one, and it didn't work. Then, I tried the front one and it didn't work either. Then, after 10 minutes or so of being frustrated, I finally figured out this fancy gadget. You put it on with the lever bent perpendicular to the nozzle and then you straighten it and it pulls in the tube nozzle thing. Ok, so I pumped the tires, but was already running a little late. I got on the bike but realized that it didn't have any hand brakes. It had the back pedal brakes like the bikes I learned on. It was also geared very low, and I thought it would be a big pain. Then, as I pedaled it switched gears. I pedaled faster and faster and it changed again:) It turns out that it had 3 gears. I went down New Mexico Ave. and then Tenlaw Street until I met up with 37th, the one I usually walked down.

It came with a lock too, so I locked it up at Georgetown and went to look for Amy. PS, there were a lot of downhills on the way there, so it was pretty fun and slightly scary with the brakes that I wasn't used to.

Anyway, I also realized that the light on the handle bars was out of batteries, so I had to get some from Amy. Thank You Amy, by the way for sharing your batteries with me, and thank you Staples cashier for convincing Amy and her Dad to buy the bigger pack of batteries. So, I let Amy try the bike before I rode home, because I told her that it was really cool and I wanted her to try it. Anyway, I rode home the same way. It was really uphill for the first 5 minutes, then it was downhill and fun to coast for 3 minutes or so. Then it leveled out and I had to pedal some more and it finished uphill back to American. The difference in elevation is 260 ft back up to American. I then put my bike back in the box and logged in to return the keys to the cabinet thing.

It was a good drive and I felt safe even going the way that I had only gone once before. It was great to feel the cool wind blowing through my hair as I cruised down the streets. Anyway, that's all I have to say tonight.

Good Bye everyone.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fire Alarm

Things haven't been all that different around here, so if you would like to know what I'm doing, you could read the previous blog again for the normal school days.

One unique thing happened though. On Tuesday as I was getting some dinner, the fire alarm went off. Everyone had to leave the lunchroom so there were lots of meals wasted. I had enough to eat for that meal, but I didn't have time to grab anything else for tomorrow or later. I waited outside a little hoping that they would let us in again, but there was no such luck. I justified buying some candy though, so it was OK.

On Wednesday, I went to Georgetown, but this time, I went down New Mexico Av. NW instead of the usual Massachusetts to Wisconsin to 37th route. I met up with 37th further down. This way should save me .34 miles when I go from my dorm, but I was going from Ward so it only saved .1 or so. It was really hot Wednesday, and there were some pretty big hills there, so I got nice and tired...

I have to go to my lab now, and can't be late, because they are shutting the doors this time. Update later:) bye

Monday, September 20, 2010


So, I haven't written for a while as you've most likely noticed, and I think I should catch up a little bit. Thursday was not too busy, but I worked and worked on my Lab Write-Up for a long time and then read a lit for my American Society class.

Friday, was the big day as usual, and I had a decent amount of homework coming out of the day, but I got out of my last class half an hour early so I walked down to Georgetown in 35 minutes and went to the volleyball game with Amy:) Georgetown won the game, and it was pretty fun to watch. After that, we studied for a long time in the Library and then went to a Game night thing. It was really fun. We played Taboo. The people that were there were. Greg, an Indian guy that had been hanging out with Claire, Claire, and Amy and I. After a while though, Jacob, a short smart spunky kid, kinda like Cullen, except for different, joined us. Before that there was a black girl whose name escapes me, and "Big Rich." Jacob named him that, because during the first week, he always introduced him as such. Big Rich is a fairly large Asian Guy that doesn't talk much. He seemed pretty nice. Anyway, I then took the Metro home and went to bed.

On Saturday, Amy came up here to study with me. We slept in a little, because the last night was pretty late. Then, I walked down and met her part way. We studied for a couple of hours and then went to the American versus Syracuse soccer game. It was a really good game unlike the girls versus Georgetown, not just because we won, but also because it was a lot faster and more intense. I really wanted to play, but I'm not good enough at all, but just watching it made me want to do something. Anyway, we beat Syracuse 2-1. One of the kids on my floor was either a right midfield or defense and I recognized him. He is a freshman too. We studied for a while more after that, and then I walked Amy home. It wasn't that late, though we did get kicked out of the Library at 9. Then, I ran back to American. I ran from the north edge of her campus to Ward Circle, which is at the north east corner of American, and it only took 16 minutes, as opposed to the 26 it took me when I ran from her dorm to my dorm.

Sunday was also good, and Amy came up to American in the morning. We went to Church at the National Methodist Church. It was a really cool building and has lots of stained glass and arches inside and out. I mean, the windows were obviously inside and out, but so were the arches, which weren't a part of the windows. So anyway, the service was pretty good, but we felt a little weird, since we hadn't been to one of their services before. After church, they had a picnic that had lots of good food:) After the delicious picnic, we walked back to Georgetown, and were going to see the soccer game that I thought was at 3, but it was actually at 1, and we missed it. The 3:00 game is at American against Georgetown and that isn't until October 6th. It should be a good game, anyway, then we studied for the rest of the day, and I walked to Rosslyn and took the Metro home. They were having track maintenance, so I had to wait at the Metro Center for 25 minutes or so to make the Transfer from the Orange to the Red line. It was Ok though, because I read my book and finished what would be assigned on Monday to be completed Thursday. Ok, back to studying for me!!!!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Calculus Test... Duh Duh Duh!!!!!!!

Tuesday was a fairly busy day, as usual, so I got up and then went to Physics. After that, I read part of my Physics homework and then studied my Global Majority information for the quiz the following class. I Got 100% on that quiz as I was in formed last evening. Only the 2 best quizzes of 4 count for the grade, so for my quiz portion of my grade, I got 100%. Hooray!

Anyway, I then went and studied with Holly before my Calculus test in "The Mud Box," which is a coffee shop in the lowest level in the library. I mostly looked over my notes and solidified my understanding of the procedure to follow regarding radicals. Anyway, then we went to the test. It seemed really easy and I finished the 9 pages in about 50 minutes of the 75 minute class, so I looked over it once more and then turned it in and went to my Music class I found the Practice rooms in the Katzen Arts Center and played the piano for a bit.

I did homework for the rest of the day and then got up at 8:30 Wednesday morning and worked on my Physics homework. I checked my email again and found one labeled "Test Results." I then looked on my Blackboard and saw that I got a 97% on the Calculus one:D That was the highest grade in the class, though I shared it with 4 others, but the average was 92. There are 22 people in the class, so I was very relieved, when I saw my grade... Anyway, I don't want to brag, but just to let you know that I was very excited, because I'm more sure now that I can get at least a 3.0 and keep my scholarship:) Ok, Back to homework now.


Oh, and I'm walking over to Amy's after Calculus class today:)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekend of 9/11

This weekend was pretty fun:) I'll go over some of the main things that Amy and I did.

Friday after classes, I met Amy at the Metro stop and we rode for a long ways all the way to college park over in the NW part of town, actually into Maryland. We got on a shuttle to UMD over there and made it to the campus. IT is a HUGE campus and has about 35 thousand people, so it took us quite a while to get to the Performing arts center. We got there quite early and as a result, sat around quite a bit and looked around a little. Before the show, they had champagne, sparkling cider, and water, all served in fancy glasses that suited the occasion. We then got our tickets and went into the show room. As it started, Tamara was the playing Edith Wharton, one of the ladies that was at Los Alamos during the creation of the first Nuclear bomb. The show was physics based, and the stage was surrounded with large screens that had projected images of Los Alamos, the Hadron collider, and other things like that. One part of the Dance was depicting the experiments of gravity. Ahh! It was a really good experience and I can't really describe it well at all, but I think it is going to go to Butte, so you might be able to watch it there.
After the main dance portion of the show, there was an intermission and we saw Amy's cousins and their family. Tamara's dad was there and some of their friends that were from California and are now in DC for school. Then, after visiting with them for a little while, there was the second half of the evening. The people were divided into 3 groups and sent to different rooms. There, we sat at tables and had tea, like Edith Wharton did with the Physicists at Los Alamos in the 40s. We talked with a Physics professor from UMD and it was pretty interesting. We even had some chocolate cake that was her recipe. It was really good and seemed a little like pound cake. Anyway, that was about it. After the show, we met up with the Pullmans and Tamara's family and went to eat at Plato's Diner or something like that. It was really good and was fun to get to eat with Lewis and Jack, and Mesa. They are all quite fun people to be around, and we had a good dinner. After that, they drove us to the Metro stop and I walked Amy back to Georgetown. It was too late by the time I was at Georgetown to walk back to Rosslyn, so I ran home in the wee hours of the morning. It took me 26 minutes to jog back to American from Georgetown.

Saturday had a bit of sleep, but I got up pretty early and walked over to Georgetown. There, we studied for a while and then went to listen to the Author of the book, The Reluctant Fundamentalist. It was the required reading for the Georgetown students. He was a great speaker, and it was fun to listen to him. We looked at the Yearbook that Amy received in the mail the previous day, and that was pretty fun to see everyone. Vance's individual Junior picture, and Kristie's baby picture were particularly funny:) Anyway, we then worked on homework a little more, but the previous night stole a lot of time from Saturday's day.

Sunday, we went on the Unity Walk. It was really cool and we saw the Sikh Temple, along with the Muslim Mosque, and also A Buddhist Temple. They were all very interesting. At the Sikh and Muslim houses of worship, we both had to take off our shoes before entering. At the Sikh temple, I had to cover my head with a turban thing, and at both the Sikh temple and the Mosque Amy had to cover her hair. They had food at both places, and we ate there for lunch mostly.

We then walked all the way down Massachusetts Ave to Du Pont Circle to catch the Metro to the National Art Gallery. It is in the National Mall, and we met Claire there. There were lots of paintings, and they all started to look the same after a while. There was an underground tunnel going to another building though that had very cool fluid(changing, not liquid) light displays. So anyway, basically, we walked a ton, and saw some cool things. I walked about 10 miles total. My feet were quite ready to be done by the end of the day. We went home after that, and I worked on my homework for a while and ate some food. That was about it.

Goodnight All:)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fall is showing up at last

This isn't a very long post, but I was just noticing yesterday and today that the temperatures outside are getting quite nice. There has been sun, but the weather is cool and there is a cool breeze. It is no longer negative to be outside, and I rather like it now. I think I'll like the falls here quite well:)

Anyway, tonight, I'm going to go to the Dance performance, and so I might not blog until later, but everything is going well with me and I'm mostly caught up. I have to study for some exams and quizzes on Tuesday, but they should be OK:) Today should be normal, but if it isn't, I'll tell everyone about it next time I most.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday

Wednesday was fairly slow, and I just read and read until my only class that day, Calculus. We were assigned lots of work in Calculus, because there is a test next tuesday. It shouldn't be that bad, because I'm finally understanding it I think. Hooray!!!

Anyway, I went to Georgetown after my Calculus class and it only took me 40 minutes to walk there. This is partly because I'm on the far side of campus from Massachusetts Ave and Ward, where my class is, is right next to it. I talked to dad for quite a bit of my walk and heard about the lawns and such. I also got a large sweat patch on my shirt where the shirt was between my arms. So anyway, I got there and we studied for a while. I ate Subway, and shared some of it with Amy. It was really cool! Here, they have footlong flatbread at subway. I was wondering if they have it in Montana too, and it was just new, or if it was specific to out here.

After that, we got a Mint Mocha from a student run and staffed coffee shop. It was really good, and they even gave me the left overs that were in the blender after they made it. It was equivalent to one of the small sizes, and that was just extra and free:)

We went to Chi Alpha at Georgetown which is similar to the one at American, but there was a more energetic pastor/leader there named Jon. He was really nice, and I felt a little more welcome at the Georgetown one. They gave away an Apple TV for the one that could guess the number of cheeseball puffs in a box shaped container. I would have only been off by 59, while the one that won it was off by over 190. The reason I didn't win it was that you had to submit your guesses at the SAC Fair. I felt bad for not stopping over there, because the number was easy to estimate since the container was squareish. There were 1241 and I guessed 1300 in my head before they read the answer. The winner guessed 1000 something.

Anyway, I helped Amy with her calculus and then walked to the Rosslyn station and read my Lab on the way. I got home kinda late, but it was OK.

This morning, I went to the lab and we used some fun sensor thing to calculate the acceleration of Gravity. It is really cool all the equipment we get to use and it just goes into the computer and then we calculate the data from there. While in the lab, I opened my email so I could email the data to myself to complete and I noticed an email from Michelle Newton-Francis and it said that my other class for the day was canceled. I read some and worked on Calculus for the rest of the day. I also had a good conversation with Amy and messed around with Audacity and made a randomish version of a Hymn.

Time for bed. Tomorrow, I'm going to a show with Amy, that her aunt Tamara is in. So I'll just do homework in between classes and save the rest for the weekend, but I've been getting ahead, so I don't think there will be too much Homework! Hooray!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Overload Day # 4

So, today, I had 4 classes. Not much interesting happened in the classes, and the rest of my day was comprised of getting homework done, so I'll just share a couple of interesting events that occurred.

This morning, I had my alarm set for 7:00, because I have an 8:30 Physics class. However, I forgot to turn my phone off vibrate, so I'm sure it vibrated at 7:00, but I didn't hear it. I woke up instead at 7:45 and felt in a rush to get going. I didn't take a shower then, because I wanted to get to class a little early. I also had a missed call on my phone when I woke up and it was from some number that I didn't know from Montana. I called them back and it sounded like a young lady that hadn't really been up before my calling. It must have been a mistake.

In Physics, we were discussing Free fall and several things regarding that. For an example, that we will finish on Friday, he put a kart on a ramp and we have to figure out how long or how fast or something about it based on the angle, or maybe we'll find the angle. I don't really know, but that is beside the point. To illustrate the fact that objects drop at the same rate, he used a vacuum to suck out the air in a long glass tube. In it he had a small piece of metal and another of styrofoam. The end had a rubber stopper on it, and it was supposedly sucked up the tube every time he tried to do this before. IT worked this time though, and he showed us several times that it worked that minus air resistance, the objects dropped at the same rate. It was really cool. Then he sat the tube on the floor and several moments later, the stopper go shot up the tube and it knocked the one that was on the other end out and onto the floor.

Another interesting fact is that my Professor went to Los Alamos. It is a Huge lab and research area in New Mexico I believe. It was the place they worked on the first atomic bomb. Anyway, now it has about 11,000 researchers and engineers working there. The reason he was gone last Friday was because he went there to give a lecture. He said it involved suspending supercooled atoms above a chop using lasers. It sounded super complex, and I'm wondering why he teaches if he also does research at Los Alamos.

Next interesting anecdote occurred this evening as I was doing my homework. I logged into blackboard and for some reason everything was in some other language. I couldn't figure out how to get it back to English. I asked Amy and used her account, because she has a similar one from Georgetown and I thought I could locate the settings from there. Well, anyway, that didn't work. I then had a brilliant plan to consult some of the Asian girls from my floor. I think they are all Asian but one or two of them. Anyway, I went out to the lounge and sure enough, 2 of them were sitting there in the lounge. I slowly walked in and said, "Are either of you from a place that could read this?" I brought my laptop in there while I asked. The one that was sitting at the table read it and said, "No, I'm not Chinese." The other wasn't either. So, I was out of luck, but one offered to try to log on as herself so we could try to find the appropriate buttons to shut the Chinese off. As I logged out, I saw that it was before the Login that you change the language. I must have just bumped it at the wrong time to change it. Woops. Anyway, it was really awkward and I felt foolish. Oh well.

That is all of importance that happened today.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day Weekend.

So, its been a while since last I wrote. I have had a good weekend and was with Amy for nearly all of it:)

Saturday, I walked down to Georgetown in the early morning and we ate breakfast at her dining room. Her plan isn't as flexible as mine, but she has 2 buddy passes per semester, so we used one of those. They have pretty good food there as well and a whole down stairs area besides the formal looking upstairs. The upstairs one looks like it would be used for a banquet or ball or something of the sort.

After the delicious breakfast of pastries, fruit, and egg/bacon sandwiches, we went to her library to study. We read and read for about 4 or 5 hours and then went shopping. Before going shopping however, we had to get some food. We stopped at the subway in the Leavey Center and shared a delicious Chicken, Bacon, and Ranch footlong.(thanks! Grandma and Grandpa Volz, you gave Amy the Subway card) We took the Metro to the Columbia Heights area and went to the Target and Staples to get a few more supplies. I got lots of cup-O-noodles, which are pretty cheap and also some target brand easy mac. I got some pop-tarts for a breakfast additive to go with my fruit. At staples, we got some loose-leaf paper, some binders, and pushpins. I also needed some big pink erasers for all my Calculus and Physics mistakes. I also bought a battery for a watch that I found while helping Sue unpack some boxes into their new house. The watch works well:) Thank YOU!

After that, we went back to Georgetown and we hung out in her dorm a little while while eating some of the things we had purchased. It is always difficult to walk across a city with large bags of food it seems. We had to carry them the mile across the Bridge from Rosslyn to Georgetown. I went home after a while and had a little trouble, but overall, the travel went smoothly.

Sunday: I slept in, relatively late for me, until 9. My roommates are much different and sleep in until 12 easily. They also stay up much later and aren't usually even in the room by the tie I go to bed. I took a shower and got ready for church. I walked the 20 minutes down to the intersection of Massachusetts Ave, where American is located, and Wisconsin, which turns to 37th, where Georgetown is located. I met Amy there and we walked the couple of blocks to the Community of Christ church which is on Massachusetts Ave also.

The Church service was OK, and there was communion. The services are more formal and much like the services in Harbor Beach, except there are a few more people there. There were about 25 this week and there were about that many last week as well. The church is very new and doesn't feel like home at all, even though I know the songs and how the services go. I much prefer our Whitehall church, but hopefully I'll get used to the ones here. We may try out a different church sometime.

After church, we went back to Georgetown and went to the SAC fair. I think it stood for Student Activities Center, but we weren't sure about the C. They had some entertainment and also tons of booths for various clubs and organizations. There were political clubs, drama and debate clubs, sports clubs, and community service clubs. I'm sure there were many more too, but those were the major categories that I can remember. We wandered around in the heat for a while and then gave up and went into the library to study once more. We studied for probably 4 hours and then went back to Amy's dorm to get some food. There was a group called Escape in the lounge handing out Ice Cream, so we took some of that. IT was really good and they even had brownies and syrup for them.

I went home and then woke again Monday morning. This time, Amy came up to American to study. We spent the morning Studying and then ate lunch in the TDR. We studied at various locations, because the Library was closed due to labor day. We sat in the entry to the library for a while and then finally moved into the more comfortable Mary Graydon Center. After Studying until 2:30, we took the Metro to Potomac Ave. From there, we walked down to Christopher's house to drop off a Thank You and his keys.

Then, the real waking began. We walked from there, back one street to East Capital, and then all the way down East Capital to the Capital Building. It was about 3 miles walk just there, and Amy already walked the 3 miles up to American. We looked at the Library of Congress from the outside, and also several other buildings near the Capital. It was pretty hot outside and we were pretty tired by the time we got to the Smithsonian area. We stopped in the closest one, which was National Museum of American Indians. We just got a drink, went the bathroom and rested for as long as we could inside the shade and Air Conditioning! It felt soooo good, but then it closed and we were again pushed outside the area. We got on the Federal Triangle Metro Stop and then rode to Rosslyn once again. We walked back to Georgetown and then printed off a Physics Worksheet for me that was due Tuesday. The library was closed at American, so I couldn't print it there.

Anyway, to make a short story shorter, I went home, ate some food, typed a blog, finished my homework, and went to bed.

Good Night All!

I'm Glad all seems well in Montana. Everything is getting much more hopeful for me here. I Like it pretty well now, though there is never a surplus of time.

Friday, September 3, 2010

A Capella

I had a full day of Schooling today. We have a long weekend coming up, but I only have one class that is usually on Monday, so it isn't that beneficial to me. Oh well. I'm going over to Amy's college tomorrow to study, and then, later we are going to go shopping a bit.

Today, I saw some signs up for the A Capella groups here. I think I should try out for them sometime, but probably next semester, because I don't have much time now. Anyway, They were having a sample concert tonight at 9 and I went to that. It was pretty good and they have 3 different groups. I liked the all mens group the best, Imagine that... They always sound the best to me. It was in the Kay Spiritual Life center and was super crowded, and they sang quietly, but it was pretty good overall.

I have to go to bed now, because I'm getting up early to go see Amy again... Its been too long!

Goodnight all!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Chi Alpha

Today was a pretty ordinary day. I woke up, went and did a lab for a really long time, and then studied a bit before my next class. After those classes, I went to get some calculus help from the teacher and then tried to get some physics help from one of the teacher's aids. There were too many people in there though, so I didn't really get much help, though I did finish a couple more problems than I had done before the help session. Our homework was online and you have to input everything exactly right in order for it to work. Even all the messed up variable equations...

I ate some lunch and dinner today, and felt pretty good all day:) Hooray! I didn't cry even once. I hope it can continue like this, but I didn't really do too much homework today, so that was a little less stressful than it otherwise might have been. I worked and read until 8 and then went to this Chi Alpha service.

Its the Christian protestant group on campus. I think it was much like the Cardwell Church, because they had a praise band for a while and then a preacher, but I don't really know, because I haven't been to the Cardwell Church in quite a while. First, I was greeted and given a name tag. Then I was greeted by someone inside and given another name tag. So, if you looked at me from the right or the left you could see who I was. I met Dan, a pretty nice junior who is studying Political Science, imagine that. I also met Jonathon, who just happens to look exactly like Taylor Mason, except a lot younger. Anyway, we sang praise songs, while standing for like 30 minutes and then sat and they had someone play a video with some stuffed animals, so they could make the announcements more exciting. Then they took the offering, and the message was given. That was the first time I had seen anyone use a Bible on Ipod before. Then, everyone kinda hung out for a little bit, and they had food outside. I stood with Dan for a while and we talked a little about college and such, and then a Baptist recruiter came over to us.

That was about all to my day, except helping Amy with one of her calculus problems.

I have to go take a shower, so I can go to Physics soon.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Amy Starts Classes

Today, I woke at 6:00, took a quick shower, and then started walking to Georgetown, because today, Amy started classes. I wanted to be there so I could hear about them and just so I could be there really, so I walked there. It took me 50 minutes to go down there.

First, she had Spanish. It was in a very large and somewhat confusing building, but the room that her class was in was very small. There were 16 desks in it, but there were only 8 students in it. Wait a minute, I can't really describe her classes very well. I'll see if she will post something about them.

Anyway, she then had Theology and I read my Physics then. We walked off campus to her next class, which happened to be Calculus. From there, I walked home once again. On the way home though, the sun had warmed the air significantly, so I sweated a lot. I called my parents and talked to them on the way home, and as my arm was creased near my elbow, allowing the phone to come to my ear, the sweat from within the fold of skin ran out and dripped off my elbow.

I then got ready and went to Calculus. I only had one class today, so I had lots of time for my other homework, which it seems never dwindles. Oh well, I think I'm getting a little more used to all this homework. I think everything will be OK.

Goodnight everyone,

Oh, and I got a very nice letter from Carol Ann today. Thank You Carol Ann if you read this blog. If not, someone else might mention it to her. Thanks!