Friday, August 20, 2010

Goin' to the Big City

I never knew there’d have to be so much walking in the city. We walked off the plane, and it feels like we haven’t stopped! I’m pretty sure that soon I will not only talk in my sleep, but walk in it too… From where I am staying there is a fifteen minute walk to the metro. And then I walk down the escalator (especially if it isn’t working), then I walk to the train and then transfer to another train, which then brings me to the desired station, where I walk up the escalator to catch the American University Shuttle which brings me within walking distance of Travis’s dorm!
When everyone told me it would be a big change from Montana to DC (and I mean Everyone), I knew they weren’t lying, but it is still hard to get used to. Everything seems different. I can only buy the amount of groceries I can carry, the doors are locked at night, and sirens are so common. The humidity is…wet. I have to be careful of my purse and I try not to walk at night. Air conditioning is now such a luxury where I can find it, and my nutrition has slipped from home-cooked meals to top ramen and the like. Except, I suppose, when I can eat with Travis at his cafeteria. It Is very nice, Travis, I must admit. I can see myself getting used to all of this, though. Maybe not forever, but for now.
There are such fascinating things here, too. The metro in particular is wild! It is an excellent public transport system, possibly the best in the country, with rather timely trains and clean conditions. What surprises me most though, is the humanity. And boy is there a lot of it! All kinds of people use the metro. Tall, short, fat, skinny, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, crazy, sane, artist, businessman, and of course, college student. It transports so many people every day; it’s hard to even comprehend. The handrails on the escalators are so sticky from all the hands that touch them all the time. And, while it is extremely gross, it is also so awesome! There have been so many people here before me, maybe even relatives at some point, maybe even famous people, or maybe even the president took the metro when he was a senator!! Ok, so maybe not, but a girl can dream, right?
Well, Travis, I know my blog so far isn’t matching yours in word count, but I’ll get to work. (Because I know you’ll be counting )
Thanks all for reading!

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