Sunday, August 22, 2010

Church for the Second time and Georgetown

Today, I woke up somewhat late and got ready for church. I wore some nice clothes but they also happened to be very hot. I met Amy at a Metro Station and we walked for 20 minutes or so to the Community of Christ Church on Massachusetts Avenue. It was really hot today and the long-sleeved shirt and long pants began to take their toll on my perspiration. I got quite sweaty and that was only because of the walking. We arrived and were immediately greeted by a cool blast of air. There were also refreshments that were very welcoming. They had home grown grapes that you can crush with your tongue to send the inside flesh popping out. They were small and the skins were bitter, but they reminded me of our grape patch in Michigan. The service itself was pretty average and they were a little more formal than out Whitehall Congregation, but it still felt a lot more normal to me than the Victory City of Praise black church. We met some students and the pastor and his family. The people seemed pretty nice, but it will take a little while to get used to the new faces. After that, we walked some more.

We walked down Massachusetts Avenue and arrived at Wisconsin St. where we made a left for Georgetown. It was still very hot and we had to make some water breaks along the way so we wouldn't suffer from dehydration. Georgetown's campus seemed really crowded to me, but it was a pretty collegiate place. The library that I saw inside Healey Hall was very old/movie like and the Hall itself looked like it was from a castle era old England picture. The buildings towered everywhere and I felt small and insignificant in between them. The campus itself is fairly small, but the area seems largely taken up by buildings and such. American University seemed to me to be like this too, but now it seems much more spacious. I'm sure that with frequent visits to Georgetown, it too will be muech less intimidating.

We then took a Metrobus back to American and hung around the AIR CONDITIONED Katzen Art center for quite a while waiting for supper. We thought that it wasn't open for a normal meal until 5:00, but it actually isn't open at all from 4:30 to 5:00, so we sat upstairs waiting. Meanwhile, we read the DC newspaper and looked at some classified ads until they lifted the gates. We were quite hungry by this time, because we didn't have any lunch, so we ate a lot of food and then felt pleasantly full once more. The meal tasted excellent once again, except for one dry dinner roll. I was fairly disappointed, because everything else to that point had been wonderful, but I soon forgot about it as I ate more and more good food!

After dinner, we went to this comedy show called Capitol Steps. They were similar to Saturday Night Live, except they mostly focused on things happening in the news and in politics. They were really funny and sang many familiar songs with different lyrics. This ended at about 8:09 and Amy then went back to Christopher's once more. I have to stay up a while though, because the Floor Meeting is at 10:00, so here I am writing this blog:)

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