Friday, August 27, 2010

Another day down

Today was the other day that I get to be completely loaded down with homework. Wahoo! Actually that was a sarcastic wahoo, because I really don't enjoy tons and tons of homework. I went to physics first, which was pretty fun as the last time was, and then, I read my physics book until my next class an hour and a half later. I went to the Global Majority and enjoyed it again. The class itself seems pretty enjoyable, because the guy is nice and German-y. The reading that I have to do for the class, which is a lot by the way, has been pretty boring, though it was much better than the first reading. In the Global Majority, I took notes with my laptop for the first time and it was pretty fun and efficient. The taking notes is mainly to help me get the information drilled in my brain a little better, because all of his power points are on his Blackboard website.

After the economics class, I read the material for that course and ate some delicious Cup-o-noodles. They are very yummy and taste quite good! I later went to Calculus and he made some more silly jokes. One of the problems we were working on was the sine curve and the tangent line at x=0. The thing that we used to find the slope was the sin(x)/x. He did some examples such as the sin(1)/1 and others. Then, he did this one .6666/devil(he actually drew a little picture), but anyway, it was the sign of the beast over the beast. He said some other jokes, but that was the only one that stuck in my head.

Directly after Calculus, I went to my Understanding Music class. Today was really easy for me, because he was teaching the minority that didn't read music about notes and such. We learned about the different notes, the different staffs, sharps and flats, and then he briefly touched on scales. I think the class will get harder, but it was pretty easy today and should be for me, until we do things besides reading music.

After that class, I read some physics and then went to the Metro stop to wait for Amy and her dad. They were coming over for dinner at American, because I wanted to show Mark the 8th best college food. Today, they had a Ice Cream Sunday Bar instead of the usual Fire Wok. It was really good and had pineapple, marshmallows, sprinkles, banana stuff with sugar, I think, hot fudge syrup, caramel syrup, strawberry syrup, mini chocolate chips, maraschino cherries, and probably some other things I forgot. Anyway we ate it and then walked around the campus a little bit. Amy and her dad left back to their hotel in Rosslyn, VA.

I started to read some physics, but then got a little overwhelmed by their excessive use of variables. I'm sure I will get used to it, but hey had a live of about 3 inches long with many many subscripts just to say d=1/2at^2. It was much much easier in High School. After that, I read 35 pages of an article for The Global Majority that was mainly about overpopulation and how it leads to poverty because the people can't support so many children, and as a result can't afford contraceptives, so they have more children, and it was just a big cycle of overpopulation and poverty... I tried to get a text to speech reader to read it to me, but I think I'm getting a little faster at reading, because I could read it much more quickly than the computer.

There was a bit of my life... Oh. Also, Charlie invited me to come with him and some of his friends to watch or try his slackline. I didn't do it, but it was kinda fun to be included.

Tomorrow morning, I'm getting up at 6:20 to get ready and head over to Amy's Hotel to help her move in to Georgetown. She can move in at 7 and is pretty anxious to move in, so I'll try to get there pretty early. Therefore, I should go to bed now, because I'll get only 6:20 of sleep as it is. Goodnight All!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to hear from you Travis. I hope all goes well with Amy's move in. I'm sure it'll be good for her to get settled in. Kari got a slackline and had it mailed to Graceland. I wonder if she found some good trees to attach it to. Fun.

    Take care,

