Sunday, August 29, 2010

Amy moves to Georgetown.

So, as you may have noticed, I didn't post a blog yesterday. This fact was the result of my lacking the access to a computer. I know this sounds improbable, but I'll explain throughout the rest of this blog.

I got up early on Saturday morning to go help Amy move into her dorm. She was currently staying with her dad in Rosslyn, which is right across the river from Georgetown. I got up at 6:20, because I found out that the AU shuttle bus doesn't run on the weekends until 8, and Amy really wanted to get into her dorm. So, I took a shower, got ready, and then walked to the Tenleytown Metro Station. I got there at about 7:05, but then had to wait until 7:10 for the Metro to open. As I got down there, I saw several more people than I usually would have seen. There were more white ones than usual too. Then, I remembered why this might be. Glenn Beck was giving his speech at the Lincoln Memorial Saturday morning.

And so, my Metro experience began. I got on the first metro heading towards Glenmont. This would take me to the Metro Center where I could transfer to the blue line to go to Rosslyn. As the first train pulled up, I was quite astonished. It was already full. I knew that trains in this direction would generally be more packed, but there were already people having to stand and use the hand holds. I packed on there and the train moved on. It was slower at getting going than usual, because the people close to the doors wouldn't allow the doors to close. As we pulled by one of the next platforms, it was totally full of people and a few more crammed on our train. Most of the people, who would have easily filled another empty train, were left behind. I transferred among the crowds, but I had an advantage, because I already knew how to navigate the subway and all of these Beck fans were new to the area.

I made it to the Rosslyn station and Amy met me there and we walked to the Holiday Inn where her dad was staying. There were even more of the Beckians flooding out of the doors there. One that we saw as we were getting onto the elevator had on a very intense shirt. It was kinda funny, but shocking that someone would wear such a thing. It said, "Forget cats and dogs, Spay and Neuter liberals." Amy especially liked that shirt... NOT! Anyway, we got to her room and packed up her things to bring to her dorm. We loaded up the bags and headed out the door.

We started the long tiresome journey across the river to Georgetown. She had her large suitcase, the large carryon, her backpack, her dirty clothes bag, and a bag of things that she and her dad had bought Friday. Mark, Amy, and I walked down the street, across the bridge, up a very steep hill, then sideways over to Georgetown University. We walked across campus to get to her dorm, New South. There, she registered and got some family buttons for Mark and I so we could get into the dorms too. The elevators were only being used by the people that had their stuff loaded into big carts, and as a result, we had to walk all the way up the stairs with her stuff. The first floor has really high ceilings, so it took 2 flights of stairs. Then, there were 3 more after that, because she lives on the 4th floor, the very highest one.

We moved her stuff into the room, and unpacked a lot of it. While she was unpacking, Mark and I were working on raising the bed. It just slips down into some slots on the header and footer boards, so we just needed to pull the springs up and off the rest of the bed. This should have been easy, but it was jammed in there really hard. We ended up flipping it over and pounding on it with our feet. This didn't work for 3 of the corners, so we picked it up and dropped it on the floor. One more corner came loose, but the other two required some much more viscous pounding. We slammed the bed against the floor and made Amy quite nervous, because it was very loud and it sounded as though it might disturb everyone. Anyway, et eventually worked and the raised bed was intact.

We wandered around her dorm for a while and met the RA's, who were making some pancakes for anyone that wanted them. We shared a chocolate chip one. Jack the bulldog, their official mascot lives on the same floor as Amy. It lives with the reverend that is on one of the corners. We went in the Reverend's room and got some water. Ok, I'm moving much too slowly in my days events, so I will recap more quickly for a little while.

We ate some lunch in the dining room, went to the bookstore, and looked around the campus a while. I went home at about 3 and walked across the bridge to Rosslyn. I did a load of laundry, but had to call my mom to see if I could dry colors and whites in the same load. It ran for an hour in the dryer, and I then took t out and put everything on my bed. I worked on my homework for a while, and then Amy called me and she was upset. I hung up the things that shouldn't be wrinkled, but it was too late, because the dryer had made their wrinkles permanent. She had been in the orientation thing around lots of people that she didn't know or care to know, and then, worst of all, her package that her mom mailed didn't get there in time. The mail wasn't open until 5, so she had to wait until then to see if it had come. She got packages, just as had been notified on her email, but they were only some of her books. It was a very overwhelming day, and she was quite stressed out. I definitely knew how she felt, though I got the feeling from the loads of homework, but anyway, I knew I needed to go down there to see her.

The box had here sheets in it, so without it, she couldn't even really stay in the dorm for the night. She knew that she would have to stay with her dad again, which wasn't really a bad thing, but it was just unexpected. So, we decided as we were on the phone that we would go see a movie, to help ease the stress a little. I started running to Georgetown as soon as I heard her distress, so I was running and talking on the phone at the same time. The movie theater was a little ways away in Georgetown, so I ran down there instead. I averaged 7.38 miles per hour, and it took me 26 minutes to get there. I waited a while and then went looking for Amy because she was waling from georgetown. We arrived at the movie that was supposed to start at 7:40 at 8:00. Then, we waited outside a while for Mark to arrive in the taxi. We got in and only 7 minutes of the movie had been shown so far. We watched inception, which was a great movie by the way. It is about different levels of the mind and dreaming and such. Different people being in the dreams to control or effect them as they are out of the dream. Anyway, it was really complex, but we caught on eventually.

After that, we walked around looking for some food. We found an Italian restaurant and we stopped by. The first choice was actually an American Food place, but Amy and I were still under 21, so we couldn't go in. So, at this Italian Restaurant, we ordered and then shortly after that, they brought out some breadsticks with poppy seeds and sesame seeds on them. There was this weird dip stuff that tasted a little like fish, but it was actually made of eggplant, olives, red peppers, and something else I didn't like. I liked only one of the 4 ingredients, but overall, it was really good. After all the breadsticks were gone, our food arrived and I received my "pizza." It was probably more like the real pizza in Italy, but it was super weird. The crust was cooked first, then the ingredients were added. It had basil, mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, olives, and some pesto over the top. Just a little bit, but still. It was super weird, but I kinda liked it. I'll stick to the Americanized pizza in the future, but it was a good experience.

We then walked back to their Hotel and I stayed there for the night, since I was going to come back the following morning early anyway. It was after 12 by the time we arrived back at the Hotel and could finally go to sleep. The day was full of walking and exercise and I was so pooped that I fell asleep quite quickly!

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