Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of classes! AHH!!!!

Ok,so the AHH!!!! wasn't really necessary but it was a little exciting.

This morning, I hopped out of bed and into my running shoes. I took a lap around the campus and found that it is about 1 mile exactly from my dorm, around the perimeter, and then back to the dorm again. It wasn't super cool, but if felt pretty good to run. The humidity was unusually low today and it felt quite good. I took a shower and got ready for my first day of classes. Well class, not plural, but still.

Amy found out this morning that the internet was no longer working at Christopher's house, so she needed me to print of the confirmation email for her train trip. She is going to see her cousin, aunt and uncle today in the afternoon. I went to the library because they have a printing station. The initial printing itself was really easy but it was a little difficult as I printed it out. You first swipe your card and then find the print job that you named as you printed it form the computer. Then, you have to log out or else others can use you account and your money to print their papers. It isn't that much to print or so I thought, but it said print/copy 24.80 and it took my card amount down quite a bit. This made me very nervous about future printing jobs, because this is way too much for two pieces of paper to be printed. I asked the people at the desk that I first contacted about the specifics of printing and they didn't know what the problem could have been. I then contacted the other people downstairs and they said that it was actually 24.80 specifically for printing. I had only used 20 cents and had 24.80 left for printing. It took it from my original account and put it on the printing tab of my card. Anyway... I figured it out.

I then got ready for my class and went over there a little early which was a good idea since it started a couple of minutes early. I had American Society today at 12:45. There was a lady professor and she was quite enthusiastic about everything. I think it will be a good class as soon as I can figure out this whole sociology thing. There was some reading and I did it all today, so no more homework for that class until Thursday.

After class, I took the metro to Christopher's apartment to see Amy off to her relatives house. I ran the distance from the Metro to his house, so I got sweaty. I had some Ramen there and that was my lunch. We walked over to the Metro Bus stop that would take her to Union Station to get on the train.

I read my textbook on the metro on the way there and back. It is a pretty interesting textbook, so that is good:) After I got home, well to my dorm..., I read the other text that was available on the internet. It is a green class and as such, she doesn't print off any of the course material. The Syllabus has all of the reading for each day, so I can read ahead as much as I want. The Blackboard website has all the information for each of my courses. It is a very useful site. The total reading probably took me about 2 or 2.5 hours, but some of it was very distracted on the Metro.

I took a little break from the computer after I finished the reading, which happened to be about the My Lai massacre in the Vietman war. It discussed the issues of dehumanization, authorization, and routinization as they contributed to ordered massacres. I walked over to the Bender Arena and signed up for the Fitness Area. It is free to students. I also bought a poptart at the Eagle's Nest and bought a McChicken at McDonalds. I just needed a few more purchases for my debit card, so I bought a couple of cheap things.

I think I'm going to get up early tomorrow morning to go running, so I think I'll head to bed pretty soon. Good Night All!

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