Monday, November 29, 2010

The last regular Monday!!! (of the fall 2010 semester)

Today was a fairly average day. I got up, did my laundry, studied, went to class, and then studied some more. The most important thing that I will do today is register for classes, which is the reason for this blog, because I'm procrastinating studying my boring vocabulary for Sociology and am instead typing here. The classes which I'm going to register for are University Physics 2 (PHYS 210), Calculus 2 (MATH 222), Renaissance and the Revolution in Europe (HIST 110), The Global Perspective or something like that, an international Business course (IBUS 200), and 2 music classes. Right now, I will register for 2 Calc 2 classes, because the one I want is full, so I will waitlist that one and will also add the other, in case I can't get into the preferred one. I will also sign up for Choir and the Winds Ensemble, just in case I'm not able to bring my instrument. Anyway, there hasn't been much going on besides studying, eating, and worrying about my classes and homework. I also met with my group for a project for Understanding Music in the Library at 9:30. Well, Time to get ready for bed and then time to register.


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