Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving with the Risers

On Thursday, we got up whenever. I think it happened to be around 8:30 or 9:00. We ate breakfast with everyone and had a nice home made meal. We had Grits, eggs, bacon, toast, pumpkin bread, and some juices. After breakfast, we, well not me so much, but Mary and Moira, made some pies and butter-horn rolls. We hung out for the rest of the morning and afternoon and Amy and I read some of the homework we had brought. We then played Risk for a while, but Amy and I got taken out rather quickly, so we went back to reading. Before the dinner, George's brother John and his family came over. We played football with his little boys, George and Gordon. Amy, George, George, John, John, Gordon, and I played. I ran a lot faster there than I had in a while, and my lungs started hurting pretty badly... After that, we went and shot the gun. It is a .303 British and has supposedly killed more people than any other make of gun. It was the gun used by the British in both world wars and also in many of their colonial conquests. It was a neat old gun, and had a kick similar to the .243 I thought. We shot at some cans and a trash barrel. After that, we came back to the house for dinner. It was really good and had all of the normal thanksgiving things, except green bean casserole. Something that I thought was interesting was the fact that rice was one of their usual things to eat. I could see why too, because they potatoes weren't too amazing. They weren't bad, but they made them by hand, so they weren't creamed to a pulp. The gravy was really good though. We ate by candle light only, and it was kinda dark. This house in the evenings is pretty dark, because they don't have many bright lights. It makes it feel quite homely, but its not too beneficial for reading. It also was nice to have the fire going most evenings. They also have a dog named Rebel, and with all the combination of smells and the fact that it is an oldish farmhouse, the smell and feel reminds me a lot of my grandparents house in Michigan. At dinner, George (old), distracted his brother and poured some leftover oyster juice in his wine glass. Then Moira told him. When we were eating the pie though at the halftime of our Taboo playing, John (old), George (older)'s brother, put salt and pepper on George (old)'s pie as he was getting some wood. He actually took a big bite though and everyone was laughing at him. They are a pretty funny group. Anyway, we sat around for quite a while and people took turns telling jokes. It was a great time.

On Friday, we got up and had some cereal for breakfast. We did some homework and then had hot turkey sandwiches for lunch. They were really good! After that, we sat around a little while and then got ready to go to the Harry Potter movie. I hadn't seen any of them or read the books, so I needed a quick plot summary of the books, provided by the internet and supplemented by Amy. I got the basic idea, so I was ready to see the movie. It was a pretty intense movie, and I was glad I had seen it. John (George's son) met Amy, Mary, and I at the theater for the Movie. We all watched it and then went to a shopping area for John to get some winter shoes. There was also a Lindt chocolate place there. There were so many delicious kinds there, but I think it would probably be cheaper at Walmart. We then went to 5 guys. It is a really good burger place and you can choose everything you want on it for no extra charge. We also got a large fries for all of us to share and we couldn't even finish them. They were really good, but we only finished about half of them. After dinner, we came back to George and Mary's house and read and studied for a long time.

Saturday morning involved us going Downtown with Mary, because she had some meetings in town. We walked around at this outdoor mall type place and went to some fun shops that had novelties and fun things. We also went to Urban Outfitters, the same store at which I bought my french fries wallet in Denver. They had some cool nick-knacks on sale, which many of you will see later;) We then met back up with Mary and one of her friends and her friend's daughter. We ate at this delicious diner that had breakfast food and I had a egg, ham, and cheese Panini, thanks to Amy. I was being indecisive, so she suggested it for me. It was really good. The down town area is really cool and there are many different places to visit. There was also a farmers market type place on Saturdays, but we didn't get down there by the time we had to leave. We then went back to the house again and studied some more. Most of the studying that I attempted to do wasn't all that productive for this weekend, but it was alright. After a while, we played risk again. I took over Africa from the start, and then George took North and South America. Amy and I fought for Australia, but then after she got a set, she took me out. We then met John at Dr. Ho's pizza place for dinner. It was really good. We had some salad, some pizza, and some delicious desserts. We also saw this guy known as "the waving man." Apparently he stands in the median and waves to people on both sides of the road. Here is a little article about him. We then went home, finished the game of Risk, though it took a while, and went to bed. Amy, George, and I were all in it til the end and each had our turns of taking over much of the world. First, Amy after she destroyed Mary, then me, then George, who destroyed me and was then able to take out Amy. It is a fun game.

This morning, we got up and ate some Cracklin' Oat Bran. It is really good! I stoked the fire and then we worked on homework for a while. We are leaving today, so I think I will pack up my things now, so we can head back to DC for 2 more intense weeks of School, before I can come home:)

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