Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dinner and some friends

The week went by without many hassles and before I knew it, I had finished a lit of homework, seen Amy on Wednesday, she came up here on Monday too, and she was again here at American on Friday. We did a little homework and then got picked up by Warren. Emma, the other girl from American, went to dinner with us also. When we got there, she made me stay in the entry way for a while, because she had a surprise or something. I then was allowed to go into living room and there was Greg Long. That was a bit of a surprise, but when she asked me if I knew him, was a little unsure, because I didn't remember him exactly. I knew we were related, but I wasn't sure how. Any way he and his fiance, Amanda were there along with this other pretty old couple named Ed and Charlene. They were in their 90s, but seemed pretty young for being that old, I mean fairly with it, besides for their lack of hearing, and a little memory loss, which may have been only a result of not having heard the information the first time. They were really nice and funny:) We each grabbed numbers at the beginning. Everyone sat in the living room for a while to talk before dinner started. Amy helped Lillian, the lady of the house, with some of the setup.

I talked with Greg for a while. It was good to talk to him, even though I probably hadn't really talked to him before. I remembered him from the reunion in Montana, and he said he remembered when we stopped at the one in Lamoni. I talked to him a little about my classes and I heard what he does. He apparently works for Weatherbug, this online weather service. He is an IT guy and she also works there as a meteorologist to check the data coming in for accuracy. I told him that i might go to Alaska this summer to work at the cannery and he said that it was something very memorable and that I should if I got the chance. He said that by the end of the summer he could hardly open his hand to put on the gloves, because his hand was getting used to holding the knife for 15 hours a day. He also told me about this time when he was sea kayaking and he found a sea lion and was taking some pictures of it. He got a little too close and it roared at him and he said he got really scared. I could Imagine getting really scared, because they are pretty big and fast in the water. Anyway, Ed and Charlene told everyone about this campground where they stay during the winters.

After Angie and Anil, her significant other, showed up, we had dinner. It was somewhat like an enchilada, except there was a cream sauce on it and olives on top.. :S There was also some good salads. We sat at our corresponding numbered places, which were distributed randomly around. There we talked more and our table had a good Apple versus Microsoft conversation. Emma's power input area had some problem on the new type Macbook and it would have been $1300 to replace it had she not had the protection still on it. We also heard about the three things need in life according to the 94 year old Ed. They were 1) Something to do. 2) Someone to love. and 3) Something to look forward to. I thought they were pretty wise yet simple words. He is working on this paper about aging and says he will put it in a sermon some day soonish to give at Church. We had some good dessert and talked about more random things.

They also had a ping pong table downstairs and we played. I'm not that bad, but they were a lot better than me. Warren and Lillian play everyday and are really good. Anil was also really good and could compete with them too. I played Amy and Angie and beat them, but lost to Anil. There was some crazy spin there. The balls were possibly a little harder than the ones at our house, like had a thicker plastic layer, and they had really nice grippy paddles. It was a really fun night:)

After that, Angie and Anil brought us back to American and we worked on homework a little more before Amy went home. There was a bit of confusion, because originally we were going to get to the metro early enough so Amy could catch the shuttle from Dupont back to Georgetown. She didn't really want to go to Rosslyn, because it takes a long time and you still have to walk a mile or so, so it is faster and more efficient to just walk. So we were at the Metro station at Tenleytown and the train was going to be too late, so Amy came back out, and we just missed the Shuttle back to American, so we walked all the way down Wisconsin to 37th instead of going back to American first to follow the usual path down Massachusetts and then Wisconsin.

So today, I walked to Georgetown and we worked in the Library all morning after I ate a delicious banana and crunchy peanut butter sandwich that Amy made for me, since my dining room doesn't open until 11 on the weekends. Then we got a sandwich at the grocery store and also some cookies:) They are really good cookies! A little before that we went to turn in one of Amy's papers and from that building, New North, we could watch the football game from the end of the hall way that had a balcony on it. It was pretty cool and there was a much better view there than there would have been in the stands, even though it was a little farther away.

There was another bad timing event as I came home. The shuttle from Georgetown we just missed (saw it driving away) then, I missed the one at Tenleytown, so I was waited a little, then started walking, but it would have been too long. Then, I waited for the shuttle at another stop along the way and arrived back at American too late to get dinner. I was also going to go to the gym to get some exercise, and by the time I checked at 8:40, I realized it actually closed at 8:30 on the weekends. I did some pushups in my room and read some more, then went to McDonalds and got the best Big Mac I have ever tasted! The buns were so soft and it was so perfectly made and I was hungry, which also helped, but that is somewhat beside the point. I also got a pumpkin shake which was very delicious, like pumpkin ice cream that I have had before, except it was a little sweeter... It was really good anyway.

I went back to my room, worked on this, and went to bed.


  1. Hi Travis, I am pretty sure you were talking about Ed and Charlene Gleazer. They are very influential people in the life of Graceland, but not only that, he is credited with starting the idea of community colleges. I found an article about him on the Graceland site that you might like: Here is the link:

  2. Yup, those were them, I just didn't know how to spell their last name, so I didn't put it.
