Saturday, November 6, 2010

Where has the time gone?

This week has blurred by!

Wednesday, I went to Georgetown, studied and they went to Chi Alpha. Amy and I did homework for quite a while, and then I walked home in the rain, but I had the tarp from a broken umbrella, so I stayed mostly dry.

Thursday and Friday were spent doing homework and studying for 2 tests that I was to have on Friday. I took the tests and then met Amy on Tunlaw as she was walking up here. We worked on homework and had some dinner, and then I tried to help her with Calculus. We walked towards Georgetown and I taught her the chain rule, which was very confusing at first, because we didn't even have any paper to use, so it was just by word of mouth. I ran home, well all the way up Wisconsin Ave. and then started running up Massachusetts, but I was a little tired and didn't have quite the right clothing, so I stopped. Oh yeah, and... I borrowed Amy's sweater, because I had had my wool coat, but I didn't want to sweat in it, because it isn't very washable. I also wanted to get home quicker than walking, so I used her sweater and left my coat with her. I must have looked quite funny, because I had a purple and black sweater that was quite tight on me and was running. I called Darcy when I was on Massachusetts Ave, and heard her tell about her birthday party.

On Saturday, I woke up fairly early and walked down to Georgetown. I had lots of Homework, and Amy and I worked and worked on homework until 1 when she had to go to do a play teching. She was behind the stage and made sure people came out when it was their part. After that, we were really hungry, so we went over to Vital Vittles and got some food. It is the campus grocery store and has some decent deals. They have just gotten a milkshake maker thingy called F'real.
There is a freezer that has a bunch of different cups of frozen things. You take out a cup, take off the lid, and put it in the machine. Then you select the desired thickness of your drink. There is a little cup holder thing, and it then raises the platform in to the machine and mixes the previously frozen cup of sugary creamy goodness! They have smoothies and milkshakes and we got a Reece's Peanut butter cup milkshake. They are really good and we got one with the sandwich that we bought. I mentioned that we were really hungry did I not?? Anyway, we got a turkey Manhattan which has cheddar cheese, turkey, bacon, spinach, and some dressing stuff. It is really good. Then, I saw another sandwich that said -1.50 on it. I just thought that the - was maybe just like a bullet point or something to get your attention, so I talked Amy into getting it. There was also a beef one, but it was less food, so we decided that the Italian one with Ham and Salami would be better. We were wrong! It had some pickles and onions and pepper salsa like thing on the bottom, and salami, which I also don't like. What made it even worse was that it actually cost 4.50 and was merely 1.50 off the original price since it was a day old. To sum it up, it was gross.

After that not so good end to our lunch, we went to the business building and studied for several more hours before the movie. It was Inception and it was really good once again, and... we missed the beginning once again. We saw a little more of it than last time, but it was still kinda right in the middle of the action. After that, we walked to the bus stop and I waited for the bus to come.

The bus came at about 10:10 and then waited there for a while. Then, we took off. It was a very small bus, smaller than the senior citizen bus in Whitehall, and it had 2 seats on the left of the aisle and 1 on the right. The driver was pretty, but since the bus left from a different place than normal, he drove down K street or one near there. He was driving 60 mph on the 35 mph road and it was also much unlike a bus, because it had a bit of pick-up! It could get going and slow down pretty quickly. I then made it to the Metro stop in a much quicker time than normal, and walked down the escalator. As I arrived on the platform, a Metro train was coming. I saw the name disappear from the list and I knew that it had come, so I ran across the platform, down the escalator, and onto the train right before it left. To make a long story short, I made it home in only 45 minutes taking the Metro,, which is a new record.

I have to get working on my research paper more, but I hope you have enjoyed this small update.



  1. I enjoyed the update, especially the part about the pretty bus driver!!!

    Sorry your sandwich was gross! That happens with college dorm food sometimes too!

    We had Mission Center Conference this weekend. Andrew, Emily, Tore and I were delegates, so it was fun to spend the weekend with them. And fun to see lots of friends there and so much great singing. Our church sure knows how to sing!

    Our new apostle, Scott Murphy, was there. Nice guy. I also saw a lady, Bonnie Sather Major, who I knew from Montana when I was a kid. Nice to see her. Small world!

    We skyped Kari today, she's stressed with school. She has a 3 hour honors presentation to give in 2 weeks so that takes any extra time. I don't think I've ever presented anything for 3 hours in a row before. It'd be easy for Erik, but not me.

    Have a good week, love,

  2. I meant that he was a pretty fast bus driver... Woops:P

    Yuck! That sounds awful! I hope I never have to present something for that long!
