Thursday, February 17, 2011

This semester is flying by...

Not too much has happened since my last post, but several things of interest have occurred. First, last week on Friday and Saturday, Amy went on this thing called ESCAPE, which is a group of Georgetown freshman that go to a campgrounds in Maryland to get away from campus for a bit. So anyway, it sounded like a lot of fun, but I just did my homework. After she got back though, we went to a Cooking/game party that the people from Chi alpha had come up with the previous Wednesday. One of the girl's host families were going to be gone, so she invited everyone over to have a cooking party. Since the bus Amy was on was a little slow getting back, we were late getting there, but got there just as the food was all ready. IT was a competition between the guys who made Chinese food, and the Girls, who make Mexican food. Amy, Win, this one other girl, and I were all late, and walked over there at the same time, so we got to be the judges and got to eat first! The food was pretty delicious, but it was mostly fun just to hang out with everyone. Amy helped me make the dessert for the guys. It was Smore pizza! We started with Chocolate chip cookie dough and then cooked it for a while. THen we broke up graham crackers and put chocolate chips and mini marshmallows on it. It was super delicious, but the girls had made Ice Cream balls, which were really good too. THey were just big chunks of Ice Cream, but had corn Flakes that had been cooked in butter and cinnamon/sugar! Then they put this honey/ cinnamon sauce on it. It was delicious! We played apples to apples for a long time and then jumped on the Love sack that had been in the basement/ kids play area. The house had 4 floors!

That was fun, and then the next day, we went to church and then worked on homework for a while at AMerican afterward.

On Monday, I went down to Georgetown after having gone to Safeway to get some things for dinner. On Valentine's Day in the morning, it had been about 60 degrees, but then by the time we were having our little picnic down by the river, it was windy and cold! We exchanged cards and then escaped the weather in a Coffee house called Dean and Deluca's. It was great, and we opened the present from Carla! Thank You a lot, by the way, the Chocolate was really good:) The little magnetic bookmarks are also neat! We talked a bit and then walked back to Georgetown and worked on some homework for a while.

Also last week, I took 3 tests. I got a 94 on My calculus test, a 94 on my International Business test, which I was pretty proud of, because he seems like a tough grader, and I'm not sure what I got on my physics test, but I will find out tomorrow morning. Now, in Physics we are working on Charge. Anyway, Also on Saturday, I went to Jeff's apartment and had lunch with him. We had these things that looked almost like tamale's except they were smaller and had seaweed looking wraps instead of corn husks. I had no clue what it was, but he said it was better than plain rice, so I was eager to try it. Then, as he unwrapped it, I lost a bit of my appetite, although when I tried it it wasn't that bad at all. I actually liked it, but it was hard to eat, since it was so sticky. It was really sticky rice with some sauce throughout it and it surrounded some pork pieces. It was nice to see his place though and to go somewhere besides the TDR.

Then, this Monday, I ate with him and his friends in the TDR. They were Asian looking too, so I felt a little odd, but they were nice, and it was good to have some company. Anyway, I have to go practice my French horn for a while so I don't make a fool of myself next week.


  1. As I start checking your blog for another entry, I realize that maybe I should write to you. =)

    This weekend is Greg and Amanda's wedding. Grandma and Grandpa and her siblings are attending. They're taking a mini trip to Ohio.

    It was clear last night. It's 11 degrees now. We have a little snow on the ground from a couple days ago. Everyone is getting anxious for warmer weather, but it's a little early for that around here. Maybe we should go skiing with the girls sometime. We'll watch for a nice weekend in March.

    Hope you made it thru your busy Tuesday.
    Love, Mom

  2. Glad to hear life is going well for you Travis. Good job on those 94s. That'd be cool if you got a 94 on the Physics test too.

    You're welcome for the Valentines treat. Glad the chocolate was good, I got it at Trader Joe's.

    We are supposed to get some snow today, maybe 2-4 inches. You wouldn't believe all the news stories and talk about such a small amount of snow, but it's so unusual here. We're all hoping for a snow day and enough snow that we can sled on the hills up at Jackson Middle School. Bryn loves sledding, he's decided he likes it even better than skiing. So for his sake I hope it snows!

    Bryn's lax team-an indoor winter league, not a school team, won their tourney. It was an exciting game and we won by one at the end. He got a cool t shirt! He scored a goal and played really well. He's excited for the school lax season to start on Monday.

    Ryan's got 4 more bball games, he's loving his season.
    All for now,
