Monday, February 28, 2011

So much has happened yet so little blogging time

So, Starting on the 17th where I left off, Amy and I have done many things.

That Friday, we went to Alpha, which is something that is somewhat an offshoot of Chi Alpha, except it is for people that are just interested in Christianity. We got there a little late, but then stayed until the end and had some good international food and also played Guesstures, which is really funny with international students that are maybe not up on their English, or that have a different way of describing things. So the word was Monkey and he tried to act out like a little monkey with cymbals and a hat, where people from the US would mostly do the gorilla under the armpit thing. Anyway, that was fun, but then we also went over to some to some of our friends from Chi Alpha's house, which was even more fun, because we began to realize that we do in fact have friends. We ate some cookies that they made and then hung out for a while. We then all walked up to the ICC (Intercultural center) and watched Rapunzel. We thought it was a really good movie, much better than I had been expecting!

On Saturday, we stayed at our respective colleges until the evening. I planned to take her on a date to this swing dancing place in Maryland. I also had a plan of not going out to eat as I usually would have done,but I instead made some food. I was going to get some shrimp like she wanted for Valentines Day, but at Whole Foods, they only had organic big shrimp with legs, and not the little ones with dipping sauce. I Instead got some Turkey, but I needed something to cook it with, because plain Turkey breast wouldn't be that good I didn't think. I then thought to get some type of spice that would be a cover all spice, so I got some Mrs. Dash. I also got a bottle of Orange Mango juice. I then had some sharp white cheddar samples and was convinced to buy the smallest pack they had. It was still a decent sized piece. So, I prepared the food, and we had turkey, some noodles that I had previously had, some ritz crackers(from Christmas) and cheese, and some fruit that I cut up. I put each dish in a separate container and then packed them all up in a box, so we could go to eat somewhere not in my crammed dorm room. We went to the art center. I brought my bowls too so I could put the meat and the noodles in them so it would look better:) Then, we hurried down to the dorms, which are on the far side of campus, so I could put the dishes away before we went to the dance. We got on the Metro and rode up one stop and then waited for the Bus that would take us to Glenn Echo park. It is a cool place Then we waited and waited and finally one came. It wasn't a Metro bus, but rather on that was run by that county in Maryland. We rode for about 20 minutes and then got there a little late, and it was really busy. We waited in line for a while and it was cold, but I was just standing with Amy, so I hardly noticed the cold:P We finally got our tickets and went into this huge "Spanish Ballroom." There were two big rings of guys, and girls. We got in and learned how to do the this eastern swing dancing, which is different from what I have done before. The rings moved around though, so I had to leave Amy:( Then I was paired up with all sorts of ladies: big ones, little ones, old ones, and young ones. I was so relieved when Amy's part of the Circle ran out of men, so she came over to get me. It was just awkward with all of those other random people. I think that it can be quite the social event, because there were lots of singles, and when I was getting a drink, this old man even hit on Amy! Then she told him that she was only in college, and I got back. Anyway, We danced for a long time until we got tired and then we took a break and watched the Jive Aces, the band that was there. They are a top swing band from England and they wore bright yellow Suits! It was really cool and they were fun to watch. Also, several times they had the really good people have a dance off, and they did the crazy, swing the girls all over moves. We danced again for quite a while and got good at the moves that we learned, but those moves didn't work well with most of the songs, and since I'm not all that original with dancing, it was a little awkward, but very fun! I would Love to go back there sometime. We then left, but had to find some way to get home, since that bus only ran until 9, and the dance got over at 12. It was pretty cold, and when we tried to call the Cab companies, they were busy, except one, which couldn't figure out where we were for some reason. We eventually just gave up on them and waited out there and saw one. We waved and yelled like crazy and chased him and he stopped in a parking lot about an eighth of a mile up the road. We got in and were so relieved! We got dropped off at American, and I walked her home halfway, and then she took my scooter the rest.

The next day, in the shower, I was trying the dance moves with my eyes closed and I was a little disoriented. I almost fell out of the shower by leaning on the curtain. It was funny, but a little scary as my eyes were closed. Amy and I met at Church and then went to a dinner at the Johnson's house afterward to celebrate Scott Akers passing his Boards architecture tests, so now he is licensed. They have a really nice, huge house, and it was really fun to see it. We also went to the Wallaces with their grand daughter from Spain, and her friend, so Amy had fun practicing Spanish with them.

The next week of Amy's Birthday, Lady Gaga, The Syracuse vs. Georgetown game, and, Pizza Theology will have to be in my next post.

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