Monday, March 28, 2011

Jeff's Birthday party/ intense student Travis (and Amy)...

So, on Saturday, Jeff was having a birthday party, starting at 2. He said, "meet to play soccer at to, and dinner at 7," so for some reason I thought that it was going to be the entire time from 2 til after dinner... Anyway, because of that, and the lack of homework Amy and I did on Friday, we studied quite a bit in the morning on Saturday. Amy had even more homework than I did, plus, she has classes Monday, so she was going to come up to American a little later, after she had gone to one of the Cupcake places in Georgetown, to get him one. They are a really popular thing out here. Georgetown Cupcake is the most popular, and they even have a TV show about them, so the lines are always super long there! Like a block or two long! Anyway, there is another one that just opened called Sprinkles, and a little older one that is even further from Georgetown called Baked and Wired (because they serve coffee too). Anyway, in anticipating the long day of hanging out with Jeffs friends, got a grab and go box from the lunch room and filled it with baked goods, so everyone could have some food before dinner. Jeff had mentioned something about hanging out in the Katzen Arts center after people were tired of playing soccer. At 2, I brought his soccer ball that is in my room, over to the Library to meet him. There were 4 other people there when I arrived, and we headed down to the Soccer field to see if anyone was there. There were people practicing, and technically it is only for Varsity sports, but Jeff still tries to go there. Anyway, we then walked over a ways down Massachusetts Avenue and went to this other field, but it was also being used. We then went to the Quad and found a rectangular patch of grass. Some more people met us there, and we had 3 on 4 most of the time. It was really fun, and I wished that I could play more, but I didn't even have my soccer shoes on. Eventually everyone got tired and left, except for Jeff and I, so we just kicked it around a bit. After that, my feet were sufficiently tired so I had to stop. I then met Amy not long after, just after everyone had left... She had a cupcake, and a little of her homework and was wearing her cowboy boots that she got from her Aunt. She looked mighty-fine, for all of you that care, but the boots had given her rub spots, since she didn't have long enough socks. We ate some cookies and scones in Ward, and then headed over to the library. I then went back to my room, grabbed some homework and socks, and dropped off the Catch Phrase that she had brought to play in Katzen with everyone. We studied for 2 hours, which seemed to fly by, and then got waited for the shuttle to go to dinner.

I saw several of the people I recognized from soccer, and two more of Jeff's friends that are girls on the shuttle. We rode to Tenleytown and met up with everyone else. There were 10 of us in total, I think, and we all walked up Wisconsin Ave to a Japanese restaurant. There was a sushi happy hour, with sushi for only 1 dollar per piece, so many of them stocked up... I didn't however, and scavenged through the menu trying to find something that involved cooked meat. Amy and I shared some beef teriyaki, which was very excellent, but it seemed smaller that what everyone else had ordered... At least it was cooked! Anyway, our dish came about 10 minutes later than everyone else's, so Jeff and JT were having a not eating their food and waiting for us contest. Jeff won:) Anyway, it was a great meal overall, and they were some nice people to be around. Amy and I sat on the side of "Becky" and Yuan (pronounced UN as if slurred), both girls, and we enjoyed talking to them. It turns out that JT had family from Butte originally, so he had been there before. There was also Tory (not sure how its spelled) from Hawaii, but he spoke Japanese. It was a good dinner, and we even tried a bit of the native Japanese food, including some "sweet potato noodles" as UN called them. They did taste a little potato-y, but it might be different than ours. They were see-through and reminded me a little of lutefisk. He opened some of his presents and got several soccer things, a jersey and mini ball, and Amy's cupcake, and I gave him some magnets, but he didn't open them until he got home, so we couldn't watch. There is a tradition in China that on your birthday you are supposed to eat noodles for a "long" life:) Also egg, which symbolizes birth. After dinner, we took a long time figuring out the bill, and then walked back to the bus stop.

On Sunday, both Amy and I had things to do at Church. I read a scripture and Amy did a monologue. She did really good, and everyone was impressed. It was an adaption of the Lady at the well story and she was portraying the lady. I just read, which isn't special really, but I did get up there and do something. After church, we went to American and ate lunch and then I got read for my concert. I was supposed to be there at 2, so I got my Tux on at about 1:30. I dropped off my little video camera with Amy, and her ticket and then headed over to the Arts Center. We warmed up a little and then got off the stage so people could come in to the Recital hall. I found Amy just to tell her that I saw a sign that said no recording:( So, no one will be able to see me. It sounded really good in the recital hall, I think, but we really messed up on one song!

Afterwards, we went back to my room, I gave her my scooter, and she scootered home. We planned that we were going to be very on task, and she had to be, so that she could finish her book by Monday! I was thinking how nice it was to accomplish so much homework and I thought that I could be more productive more often, by not checking facebook just because my laptop is there, and not just browsing the internet. Anyway, both today and yesterday, I have gotten a Lot done. I have nearly finished all of my homework due before Friday, which is totally not fair, because Amy has much more homework than I, but still. I also got out of bed at 8 and went for a 2 mile run in the Fitness center and am getting up tomorrow to to the same, except at 7, because I have classes at 8:30.
That is all for now.

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