Friday, March 25, 2011

Another 2 weeks

Last week, I got home and then worked for a long time on all of my homework and music things. I started to study for my tests the following week, mostly making study guides for a long time. On Friday, I went down to Georgetown, and we watched Tron:Legacy. It was an interesting movie, and kinda funny. It had some parts like in the movie Gladiator, except it was digital, so when the people or "programs" died, they just shattered into pixels. It was kinda gun, but not a very complex movie. On Saturday, Amy came up to American in the evening, we studied for a while, and then went to eat dinner with Jeff, so they could meet. I swiped them all in to TDR, and we had a good dinner(I over ate as usual). We talked about movies and China/Japan, where he is from. We also talked about his birthday party that is coming up

At church on Sunday, Ed Gleazer gave a speech he had been preparing on aging. IT was pretty interesting sermon, and I liked it a lot. I even have an audio recording if anyone wants it, just send me an email at and I'll send it to you.

On Monday, I practiced my instrument more and did a lot of Homework/studying, and played soccer a bit.

On Tuesday, I took my Physics test (I think I did pretty well) and then studied for the Business one. After calculus and History, Amy texted me about the weather. She said it was really nice, but I insisted that it was cold. She was like< "You need to go out the other side of the building." I then reassured her that it was cold even in the sun, because I thought she thought I was in the shadows. Then, I went over to get a grab and go, and as I was almost back to my dorm, she jumped on my back. I didn't see it coming at all, but it was really nice to see her. Since it was a nice day and she was caught up with her work, she got some exercise and scootered up to American to see me for an hour before she had to go back to Georgetown for ASK at 4. Amy then went to this debate between the PETA president and the Georgetown Debate team about the question, is eating meat ethical. It sounded pretty interesting!

On Wednesday, I took a business test, read a bit for Physics, now we are covering electricity and current/voltage/resistance... etc, and then went to Calculus. I scootered down to Georgetown after that and went to Chi Alpha and something else that I'm forgetting...

On Thursday, I did some homework in the library and then went over to Jeff's apartment for lunch. Lab was canceled today, because we had a test this week. He had something on the stove boiling, and was talking to his mom on Skype. Then, I noticed a smell of smoke and went over to the stove, but by that time it was too late. He was making some spaghetti for us, but the noodles were too burnt! I cleaned out the pan for him with a lot of scrubbing, and he then made some of the dumplings his aunt had given him. He left them in some water after they were cooked and them poured some soup mix on top, or maybe it was just seasoning. It had some flavorings and some seaweed and some very tiny shrimp in it. They were so small, only about 1/8th of an inch thick, and about 3/8ths on an inch long. I have already gotten used to seaweed, so it tasted pretty good:) Then, we played soccer for a while. Oh, and my computer was not connecting to the internet, or getting updates, or allowing other programs such as google earth to access the internet, so I took it to the help place, and a nice old Japanese guy helped me. I could have done most of it it seemed if I had only known what to try, but anyway, he reinstalled the internet access program for American University and then I ran Malwarebytes and it finally got rid of the block, so I can use google earth, and download DirectX for Skype:) In the afternoon, I went to the Arts building and worked for the Choir manager to fulfill my hours required to get full credit for Choir. Then I practiced my french horn one last time before the concert, which is this Sunday.

Today, I went to my first two classes, and then took my last test for the week, a European History one, covering the Spanish/Portuguese exploration, and also the English religious reformation starting with Henry VIII and then all the way through Charles I. I then went down to Georgetown, and studied in the library, while I ate another grab and go that I had brought with me. Then, this janitor rolled up a trash barrel to right next to my chair, and Amy pointed to it, suggesting I should throw away the trash from my meal. I did. Then, a little later, a man wheeled it over to another one and threw out the trash I had put in there. A minute later, a woman retrieved a roll of toilet paper from the trash can. It was a janitor supply thing I guess:S We felt embarrassed. Later, we watched the first half of SPaceballs in the ICC and then went to an Indian dance. They tried to teach us, but we couldn't last for too long, because the large amounts of spinning made us quite dizzy. They had some really good appetizers that were potatoes with what-seemed-hot to-us-spices wrapped in a kind of pie crust type thing. It was really good. Amy also got a henna tattoo, but after we took off the die, it was very faint. A henna tattoo is one that they make by squeezing die from a tube onto your skin and then letting it dry. After it dries, you take off the build up and are left with died skin, but this die was a little less potent than some I guess. After the dance, we finished Spaceballs and then I came home, talking to the Nilsens and my family a bit on my scooter ride back.

Too late to think any more... Good night!

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