Friday, December 10, 2010

Coming Home at last:)

So this week has been busy with studying and taking exams, but I have had a little time to do other things too.

On Wednesday, I went down to Georgetown and met Amy at the Safeway, because she had to bring some appetizers to a "Horkfestival" which was some induction dinner for the Mask and Bauble Drama society. We bought some croissants and little smokies. After While walking back, a previous day We stopped at Johnny Rockets and got a Peanut butter and chocolate milk shake:) It was delicious, and we even got waited on by Sultan Kahn or something important sounding like that. He was the manager too:)

I went to the Chi Alpha Christmas party at Georgetown and had a good time there. We played some games. The first was that each person had to get in groups and make a song somewhat about Georgetown, using 5 phrases (GUGS, Hoya, Red Square, GERMS, and one more that I can't remember) The all caps ones are acronyms for Georgetown University Grilling Society and Georgetown Emergency Response Medical System. Anyway, our group did it to Deck the Halls. It was pretty fun, and Amy even came up with something to rhyme with Hoya, DeGioia, the schools President. And the other phrase was The Provost. After that, we played the white elephant game. It was a different version, but each time someone went in the circle, they would just take a gift rather than trade, if they chose someone else's. Then that person who was left without one would get one from the middle and unwrap it, or steal someone elses. It was pretty fun:) Carlson, the kid from Cameroon, got my straw set, which he thought was pretty lame it seemed, but I really thought they were pretty cool.

So, anyway, some more final news. I took all of them by the time I'm writing this. The Physics, and Calculus ones seemed really easy, and the Music and Global Majority ones were alright. I got an A, barely on my Global Majority one, only because of 2 extra points he gave people that were on the border. I would have had an A- in the class, but squeaked by with an A. I also got back my Calculus one, or the grade rather. I got a 98! That was the highest in the class... Whoopah! I think I was the first or second highest for overall grades in there. I have to wait and see what I get on the rest of them. I for sure won't have an A in Sociology, but hopefully nothing lower than a B. I'm fairly sure I got an A in Physics too:) So, I'm very tired and need to get some sleep before my trip tomorrow! Goodnight all! See some of you soon:)

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