Sunday, December 12, 2010

So after a lot of confusion, I'm finally coming home.

Yesterday=saturday, I went to the airport with my big bags and met Amy at the Rosslyn station. We went to the Airport, and said good bye:( Then I got excited to come home, and I went through security and she left. Not, however before she bought some delicious Ghirardelli chocolate. She had some eggnog truffle, and I had a candy cane one. After that, I saw my flight was delayed, then canceled, because the weather was bad in Minneapolis. SO bad I found out today that the football stadium broke somehow and the game was postponed. Anyway, So Amy had already left, and I had to rebook my tickets. The next flight that was the same as the one I had would be the following day really late, so I opted for a different one leaving at 6 in the morning that would go to Detroit, then Salt Lake City, then Butte. I tried that one instead. So I had to get up unreasonable early today, because I was supposed to leave 2 hours before my flight... (Actually if you are leaving at 6 in the morning, probably 1:15 is enough. Sleep in!) So anyway, I took a taxi for the first time and they said they would call when they got there, and I asked for 3:30, so I could be to the airport at 4, but that was a little early. He showed up at 3:15. I was planning to wake up at 2:50 to take a shower and repack everything, but some kids got back at 1, and were a little noisy, so I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. I then just lied there for a long time and finally gave up and took a shower at 2:30. I went to bed at like 10 the night before, because I couldn't sleep so early...Anyway, it wasn't enough sleep as I had imagined it to be.

The taxi was interesting as I was saying before. First, he spoke with some heavy accent type thing whether it was Indian, or the southern black style, I just couldn't understand him as hard as I tried, and he was asking how to get to the door, and I didn't know the names of the streets, so It was difficult. Also, as I was leaving my dorm, it was pouring, so I got a bit wet.

We finally got to the airport, and I went in and had to wait before I could check in, because it was too early. Then I got on my plane, and we took off, and I couldn't see anything because of the clouds, so that was not so fun either. It was a fairly short ride to Detroit, then I hurried over to my next gate.

We loaded the plane in Detroit, and then sat there for quite a while, since it was completely full. There were too many bags, so they had to take some of them to put under the plane. While they were fiddling with our baggage, we were just sitting there on the plane and waiting! And then we waited some more. Finally, the plane began to move and we went to the De-Icing area. We had to wait a long time for one of the units to become available, and then we pulled up there and they sprayed hot water all on the wings... Oh yeah, it was snowing, thats why we went to the de-icing place. So they also sprayed this green stuff on the wings... I'm not exactly sure what it was, but it looked almost like some type of a salt mixture to keep them from Icing as we went to the right place to take off. Anyway, we then had to ride in the plane for a long time over to the right runway, because they switched them on us. By the time we finally took off, we were 1.5 hours behind schedule. I knew that we wouldn't make the connection in Sat Lake City:( We had a little hope, because Erica saw somewhere that the ETA was 11:04, but that was wrong. We got there at 11:22, and my other flight left at 11:15. So, I had some more fun messing with tickets. I tried to get one to Bozeman so that I could go to the concert with my family, but as I was on Stand by, I didn't get a spot. I have one more shot at a Bozeman Flight, but if I miss that one at 7:55, since I am also on stand by on that flight, I have a ticket for the Butte one at 9:36.

So basically, I have been waiting around the airport all day and it hasn't been too fun, though they do have lots of cool stores here. I talked to the Cross pen salesman and used the same type of pen that Bush and Obama both use. I also used a platinum plated one which costs $250. They were really sweet! I have a really nice Cross mechanical pencil, so it was fun to see all the other types too. They even have leather ones. I also looked at this cool electronic/novelty shop. They had buckyballs, and also something called a boogie board. It is an electronic note taker thing. It acts like a piece of paper, because you can write on it with a stylus. It is an LCD screen, I think, and then after you write, you just click a button to erase it. IT was a little expensive, but I would check it out on google or something. The brand is improv electronics. Anyway, I have to see about my last attempt at stand-by, so this is probably the last blog for a while. I may post my grades too, in case anyone is interested. I got a 92 on my final Sociology project though:) :) That is my highest grade on anything in that class and it counts for 30%. TTYL

Friday, December 10, 2010

Coming Home at last:)

So this week has been busy with studying and taking exams, but I have had a little time to do other things too.

On Wednesday, I went down to Georgetown and met Amy at the Safeway, because she had to bring some appetizers to a "Horkfestival" which was some induction dinner for the Mask and Bauble Drama society. We bought some croissants and little smokies. After While walking back, a previous day We stopped at Johnny Rockets and got a Peanut butter and chocolate milk shake:) It was delicious, and we even got waited on by Sultan Kahn or something important sounding like that. He was the manager too:)

I went to the Chi Alpha Christmas party at Georgetown and had a good time there. We played some games. The first was that each person had to get in groups and make a song somewhat about Georgetown, using 5 phrases (GUGS, Hoya, Red Square, GERMS, and one more that I can't remember) The all caps ones are acronyms for Georgetown University Grilling Society and Georgetown Emergency Response Medical System. Anyway, our group did it to Deck the Halls. It was pretty fun, and Amy even came up with something to rhyme with Hoya, DeGioia, the schools President. And the other phrase was The Provost. After that, we played the white elephant game. It was a different version, but each time someone went in the circle, they would just take a gift rather than trade, if they chose someone else's. Then that person who was left without one would get one from the middle and unwrap it, or steal someone elses. It was pretty fun:) Carlson, the kid from Cameroon, got my straw set, which he thought was pretty lame it seemed, but I really thought they were pretty cool.

So, anyway, some more final news. I took all of them by the time I'm writing this. The Physics, and Calculus ones seemed really easy, and the Music and Global Majority ones were alright. I got an A, barely on my Global Majority one, only because of 2 extra points he gave people that were on the border. I would have had an A- in the class, but squeaked by with an A. I also got back my Calculus one, or the grade rather. I got a 98! That was the highest in the class... Whoopah! I think I was the first or second highest for overall grades in there. I have to wait and see what I get on the rest of them. I for sure won't have an A in Sociology, but hopefully nothing lower than a B. I'm fairly sure I got an A in Physics too:) So, I'm very tired and need to get some sleep before my trip tomorrow! Goodnight all! See some of you soon:)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

School's Out for Christmas Break!!!

Well, Sort of... I finished all of my classes for this fall semester, but not have to take the final tests in 4 classes and write a paper in another. This week itself has been fairly average and I went to classes and did the usual things, but lately I have been eating more. I am on the 150 meal plan per semester and I got a little behind, thinking that wasn't enough, so I had quite a few meals left and needed to eat them by the end of this semester, other wise they would go to waste.

On Friday, I finished up my classes and then hurried down to Georgetown. I talked to my cousin Josiah on the way, and it was good to hear from him. There was a big Christmas tree lighting in Dahlgran Square. By the time I got there, that part was over, but there were some A Capella groups singing. After that, about 6, the Mask and Bauble drama society did The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Amy was Lady # 2, and she did a great job! The microphone's weren't working very well, so she had to speak loud, but I could still hear her. I have her parts recorded on my little video camera in case anyone wants to watch:) After all the homework was done, I just kept making study guides and will now have to Study and Study all weekend as I have been, and then I'll have to Study some more! Well, there you have it. I have to study, take some tests, then I can come home:) Hooray!